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As a child, I heard a story called The Farmer's Donkey. A farmer's donkey was lost in an abandoned well one day. The farmer was fond of his beloved animal and tried many times to rescue the donkey from the well. He was overcome with tears and decided that the animal could not be retrieved and that the well had to be emptied before any other animals fell into the hole. The donkey asked his neighbors for help. As the men began to dump dirt into the well with shovels, the donkey realized that he needed to save himself. He stepped up and shook off the dirt that was landing on his back. Realizing the plan of the donkeys, the farmer encouraged the men to keep putting dirt down the hole above the animal. The donkey would take a step higher each time. Finally, the donkey crossed the threshold of the well and trotted towards the farmer.
Every person has control over their own future
Blaming someone or something is common in society. Perhaps because we are constantly faced with circumstances we can't control.
Being a victim can lead to hopelessness, despair, anger, frustration and stress. You don't have the right to surrender control of your life to circumstances. Helen Keller overcome the limitations of being blind, deaf and mute. Stephen Hawking, a 21-year-old amytrophic lateral syndrome sufferer, became the most well-known physicist in the world. Oprah Winfrey was raised in a dysfunctional home, but that did not stop her becoming one of the first African American billionaires. Every person has the ability and power to control their destiny and achieve their dreams.
The road to wealth
Complaining will not make you rich if wealth is your ultimate goal. Whatever your circumstances, attitude, action, and associations are all necessary for a substantial net worth. Even those with very little can still achieve great success.
Jack Canfield and Rafael Badziag interviewed billionaires who have made it to the top around the globe. Many attributed their success to their willingness to take smart risks. Others credited the self-determination spirit that "If it's to be, it is up to me." Others credit their self-improvement and willingness to ignore naysayers.
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People are more likely to follow the same behavior as others, even if they don't agree with it. People justify their conformity by reasoning it. If everyone else chooses to do the same thing, it is likely a good choice. A group of complainers and victims feed on one another. T. Harvey Eker is a self-made millionaire who says that like attracts like. If you complain, you attract 'nonsense' to your life. Also, let go of the complainers, excuse-givers and discontent. Instead, add people who inspire and teach to your life. Keep positive and surround yourself with like-minded people. You are more likely to do the same in real life if you have a similar mindset.
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Take Action
Newton's first law states that an object at rest will remain at rest unless it is moved by force. To put it another way, to change your circumstances, you need an infusion of energy (also known as work).
Your tasks if wealth is your goal include:
Choose the occupation that offers you the greatest chance of financial success. Wall Street, finance, and entrepreneurship are all popular places to make large amounts of money.
. Wall Street, finance, and entrepreneurship are all popular places to make large amounts of money. The skills required to excel in your chosen occupation. Apart from the degree requirements (BBA/MBA), it is important to understand the flow of money through a business. It is important to understand and manage risk, as well as human behavior.
. Apart from the degree requirements (BBA/MBA), it is important to understand the flow of money through a company. It is important to understand and manage risk, as well as be familiar with human behavior. Finding the right mentors and associates is key. Succession requires that you never stop learning and asking questions. The ability to build on the experience of others is a way to progress and can lead you to new opportunities.
You are a success. People who are successful never stop learning and asking for help. Learning from the experience of others is a great way to get ahead and can help you find shortcuts. You must work hard. To win the financial competition, you must be 100% committed to your goal. This can often mean long hours, weekends work, and the sacrifice of other activities. Many are called to wealth, but only a few are chosen.
The privilege of being the captain of your ship, whether it is sailing to El Dorado's golden city or to Shangri-La's paradise, can be a powerful motivator to overcome the limitations of society or friends. Every person has the ability to rise above his or her circumstances. A poor man can become wealthy, a fool can be educated, and a woman can be elected to the Presidency. Your future is determined by your choices, so make the right decisions.
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