Illustration of antibodies that respond to the SARS CoV-2 virus KATERYNA KON/SCIENCEPHOTO LIBRARY
A simple blood test can help determine if people with covid-19 will become seriously ill and require a ventilator. This test looks for antibodies in the blood, which are directed against molecules released from dead blood cells.
Ana Rodriguez, a New York University Langone researcher, said that the test could be helpful for infected patients before they need hospital treatment. She says that although it is less likely to detect infected people in this group, it could be a sign that someone needs close monitoring.
Covid-19 can make people very sick. This is because virus levels begin to fall a few weeks after symptoms start.
Rodriguez's team reviewed blood tests performed on 115 patients admitted to hospitals with covid-19 in 2020. Half of these patients became very ill and required oxygen support. The rest recovered quickly.
High levels of antibodies against DNA and phosphatidylserine, a fatty molecule found in cell membranes, had a 90% chance of their condition deteriorating. The test did not identify 25% of those who were worse. Rodriguez says that although it won't be possible to catch everyone, this test can identify those who are at risk.
It is not clear if the antibody detected by the test was involved in the person's deterioration or if they were innocent bystanders. Red blood cells may contain DNA and phosphatidylserine. In addition, neutrophils (immune cells) can release DNA from their cells as they die to trap bacteria. The possibility exists that antibodies could bind to DNA and cause blood clots to form. This is common in severe covid-19, which can lead to strokes and kidney damage.
Current covid-19 treatment decisions are made by doctors based on patients' clinical signs such as blood oxygen levels and age.
Journal reference: Life Science Alliance, DOI: 10.26508/lsa.202101180