Researchers say that a coffin discovered in a pond on a golf course contains the body and remains of a 4,000 year-old man.
The coffin was found in Lincolnshire, England, in 2018. It contained a well-preserved knife.
The coffin is almost 10 feet in length and made from an oak tree trunk.
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Researchers say that a bronze-age coffin found in a Lincolnshire golf course pond, England, contains the remains of a 4,000 year-old man who was buried with a knife.
The original relic was found on the golf course during hot weather in July 2018. After two years of conservation, it will be displayed at the Lincoln Collection Museum.
Since then, archaeologists have established that the coffin is 10 feet (3 m) in length and was hollowed out of an oak tree trunk.
They believe the man in the coffin is high-status as his body was covered with plants and elevated over the grave by a gravel mound.
Another significant discovery was the axe that was found with the man. Experts believe it to be more of a symbol for authority than a practical tool.
Only 12 axes have been found in Britain.
The 4,000-year-old remains were found with the axe. Charlotte Graham
Lindsey Cawrey from Lincolnshire County Council said that she couldn't wait to see the ancient relic at the museum.
According to The Guardian, she stated that "The preservation and handling of the axe, handle, and coffin timbers is amazing, and we look forward to being in a position to share the story of discovery and the results from the scientific analysis with researchers and visitors at the museum when they are conserved, ready to come to Lincoln."
Historic England granted a grant of 70,000 towards preservation.
Tetney Golf Club owner Mark Casswell stated that his family never dreamed of "a whole other world buried beneath the fields".
He said, "It's incredible how well-preserved this axe is with the handle still there as if it was made yesterday."
"We'll have an image of it up on our clubhouse wall. It will represent all the years people have lived here and worked the land. Casswell said that it was something you should think about as you play your way around the course.