We imagine the future after the pandemic. But what are we really asking ourselves? What do we want from the digital revolution that has transformed our perceptions of work and safety? While we miss the days of collaboration and the office, some of it is about the mental space that we get from the constant disruptions to our home lives. The role of parent has changed from being an arms-length affair, to one that involves therapeutic maintenance of burnout and anxiety, as well as over-saturation with news and other media. Many of our children have made the digital transition that we now find ourselves in.
Because they already know how work works, work from home is not something they consider a choice. Work has become a form of binge-sitting. It's not enough to go to the movies. You need to be able to relate to the situations the characters are facing. In group chats, conversations overlap and solve existing problems while foreshadowing what the next set of conversations will look like. Interaction time is a way to address overriding themes such as what I want to do with my life and who are the real friends of mine.
Voice calls are transactional in nature. FaceTime (FaceTime), is used to give demos and pitches. The flow goes in both directions. Reassurance is what our children need. They want to know that we will be able to learn the rules of the new society from wiser heads. Reassurance is also needed for parents to be able balance the needs of their children, grandparents, as well as the constant news cycle. This new environment is the most disruptive and costly for productivity and focus.
Sometimes, turning off notifications can cause more problems than it solves. For a reduced response time to a larger crisis, you can trade your protection from the immediate one. The next question is more useful. The messaging layer's permissions and posting privileges guide the information flow and bubble to the top. They also anticipate the total channel value in subscriptions and follows. To prioritize thread distribution, the patterns of social metadata @mentions can be separated from the content.
The creator economy is transforming traditional media from personal to professional. It is possible for mom-and-pop businesses to offer sophisticated services that will help them market, promote, and grow their products. These same features of notification personalization are what Netflix uses to manage their publishing and production businesses.
Frank Radice, the Gang's editor, sees parallels between the digital revolution in television and the struggle of the TV industry to embrace it.
It was exactly at this time that NBC decided to go digital. We had a huge meeting in California where all executives gathered in one room. The doors were closed so nobody could have their phones on them. This allowed us to discuss digital and how it would work, what it would do, and how we would use it. Everyone left the meeting saying that they didn't understand much about it, but that they knew what to do. It was a common way of starting things.
Problem with industry transformation is that collapsing business models can be a hard habit to break. As Michael Markman remembers:
Hardie Tankersley, a friend and colleague in the early days of Apple, predicted this a decade back when he worked for Fox. They said, "Yes, that's what we all know." Don't bother us. Were still making money.
This was the lesson record companies had to learn the hard way by not absorbing the Napster threat quickly enough. Do newsletters and live streaming offer the best way to make the media companies do the same?
Michael also adds this cautionary note:
Zuckerberg created his own version. AR is used to create the illusion that you are sitting at a conference table together with other people. I think back to when I worked for corporations. It was the worst thing about work. Sitting in a conference room with other people was horrible.
The Beatles sang, "La-la-la la-la" (life goes on).
The latest Gillmor Gang Newsletter
The Gillmor Gang Frank Radice and Michael Markman, Keith Teare and Denis Pombriant are among the guests. Recorded live on Friday, August 20, 2021.
Tina Chase Gillmor produced and directed the film @tinagillmor
@fradice, @mickeleh and @denispombriant are @kteare, @brentleary and @stevegillmor @gillmorgang
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