In an interview with CNN, Trump's niece Mary L. Trump attacked the former president and the two current governors.
She stated that governors such as Ron DeSantis and Greg Abbott have no concern for the lives of human beings or the welfare of their constituents.
She also asked why the former president was allowed to run for reelection.
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Mary L. Trump is the niece of former President Donald Trump. She questioned why he was allowed to run for reelection. Anderson Cooper interviewed Greg Abbott, Texas, and Ron DeSantis, Florida in an interview on CNN.
Mary Trump acknowledged that President Joe Biden was responsible for the COVID-19 response. However, she said that Governors like DeSantis or Abbott, who appear to have no concern for their constituents and place no value on human lives, took their cues form Donald."
Other leaders of the GOP have adopted Trump's bold brand of politics, which embraces the culture wars and engages in name-calling.
Trump endorsed Governor DeSantis in the 2018 GOP primaries. He may be getting more support from the GOP than the ex-president. Donald Trump endorsed Abbott for reelection in 2022, after he recently passed a restrictive anti-abortion bill and was also against mask mandates.
Cooper was told by Mary Trump, author and editor of her second book, "The Reckoning," that Trump supports Republican leaders such as DeSantis or Abbott who have attempted to implement controversial policy.
She said, "We have faced an onslaught against immigrants, people of color, women, and against American Democracy," while discussing the trauma that the country has suffered historically and recently.
She said, "One of the most evil things Donald did in four years was to divide this country at the time we most needed it to be united. That's when COVID began."
"It's going to be a long time before we can recover from that, as we see, because people who follow him make it nearly impossible for us get COVID."
Insider reached out to the offices of Trump, Abbott and DeSantis but they did not immediately reply.
You can watch the entire clip below.