Paying time off: We've already written that paid time off could be one of the most effective vaccine incentives. Biden's order does not cover employers with 100 employees or more. Even though gig workers stand to benefit most from policies that would compensate the loss in hourly income, they are not mentioned in the policy. They make up a large and growing portion of the US workforce. People who are unemployed, which amounts to 8.4 millions Americans, won't be helped by the mandates.
Biden is doing it because he believes that money, beer, and food might be enough to encourage people to get vaccinated. Yet, 80 million people have not yet gotten their shots. Only 62.5% and 52% respectively of eligible Americans are fully vaccinated. In total, 177 million Americans have not been vaccinated. He's tired of the carrot method and is now opting for the stick.
Biden appears to be placing blame for America's dire state of affairs on the unvaccinated. The US is still reporting approximately 150,000 new cases per day. He also believes that Americans feel the same. He addressed the unvaccinated directly and said, "Weve been patient." However, our patience is wearing thin. We are all paying the price for your intransigence.