Republicans in Congress protested President Joe Biden's plans to issue new orders that would have a dramatic effect on getting tens or millions of federal employees, contractors, and health care staff vaccinated. Many viewed the move as autoritarian.
UNITED STATES – AUGUST 31: Dan Crenshaw (Republican from Texas) speaks at the House Republicans press... [+]conference on the U.S. military withdraw from Afghanistan. It took place in the Rayburn Room of the U.S. Capitol on Tuesday August 31, 2021. (Photo by Bill Clark/CQ Roll Call, Inc via Getty Images. CQ Roll Call, Inc via Getty Images
The Key Facts
Rep. Dan Crenshaw, R-Texas, called the orders insane and suggested they could lead to total on revolt. He added, "Honestly, what's wrong with Democrats?" Let people be the hell alone. Officials from the administration claim that the government can enforce these actions. They include mandating shots for federal workers, contractors, withholding federal funding from health care facilities that don't mandate shots for staff, and fining businesses that do not implement test-or vaccine mandates. Forbes spoke with Jennifer Shinall, a Vanderbilt University professor of employment law. She said that legal challenges to the orders will likely fail due to the strong legal precedent and federal government's power to control where its funds are going. Democratic lawmakers praised Biden, with Rep. Bill Pascrell (D.N.J.), tweeting, "I support 1000% President Biden’s aggressive new measures" and Rep. Linda Sanchez, (D.Calif.), applauding him for keeping communities safe.
Surprising Fact
Despite the opposition of Republican legislators, polls show that vaccine mandates such as those Biden is planning to implement are quite popular. A Washington Post-ABC poll that included 1,006 adults in the United States found 52% support businesses mandating vaccinations for their employees who work in-person.
Big Number
80 million. The Occupational Safety and Health Administrations rule requiring companies with more than 100 employees implement vaccine-or test mandates will affect 80 million private sector workers, the administration stated. Officials warned that those who fail to comply could face up to $14,000 in fines.
Important Quote
Shinall stated that this order would add more teeth to OSHA's pre-existing guidance, which already required employers to keep their workplaces free from COVID outbreaks. Shinall also said that although it is not the most legal of Bidens orders, there are still good arguments for its legality.