The Super Heavy vehicle, known as Booster 4, sits on the orbital rocket mount at SpaceXs Starbase in South Texas on September 8, 2021. This is Spadre.com's Starship Cam screenshot.
SpaceX's first Super Heavy rocket is back at the launch stand.
Observers in the area captured the moment as technicians lifted the Super Heavy 29-engine vehicle, known as Booster 4, onto the orbital launch platform at SpaceX's Starbase facility in South Texas.
This move took place just over a month following the 230-foot (70-meter) tall Booster 4 was lifted onto the pad. Then, a prototype spacecraft named SN20 was added to the top. 20"), in the first ever stacking of a full-size Starship vessel. However, the duo were quickly removed so that more work could be done on both.
Similar: SpaceX's Starship, and Super Heavy rocket in photos
pic.twitter.com/vnGQMlr7t6September 8, 2021 See more
SpaceX's Starship transportation system is designed to transport people and cargo to deep-space destinations like Mars, Mars, and the moon. Super Heavy and the 50 m tall, 165-pound upper stage, which is also known as Starship, are both designed to be completely and quickly reusable.
SpaceX has successfully completed a series of 6.2-mile (10 km) test flights using Starship prototypes. This includes a successful end-to-end jaunt by the SN15 vehicle this May. SpaceX is preparing Booster 4, the Super Heavy, to take off.
pic.twitter.com/kS3JiViNZYSeptember 8, 2021 See more
If all goes according to plan, SN20 and Booster 4 will fly the Starship program's first ever orbital test flight. Booster 4 will crash in the Gulf of Mexico soon after liftoff. SN20 will power itself into orbit and circle our planet once before hitting the Pacific Ocean, near Kauai.
Wednesday's Booster 4 maneuver could signal a series of trials that will prepare the ground for that test flight. Regardless of how successful the prelaunch trials, it is not clear when Booster 4 or SN20 will be able get to the ground. The U.S. Federal Aviation Administration is currently conducting an environmental review of Starship's launch operations. The end date for that review is not known.