Dr David Bauer reports on how the anti-vaccination movement distorts his scientific results. (As a scientist, Im shocked that my work has been hijacked. 7 September).
My Covid-19 research team is also having serious issues. Our recent results have cast doubt on the clinical benefits of a drug called Ivermectin. This drug, which is claimed to be effective, can be used in place of vaccines by anti-vaxxers. Many of the benefits are not being shown in clinical trials. When only high-quality clinical trials are used, there is no evidence of clinical benefits.
The response to our results was so shocking that there were daily threats of death to my family and the team. I tried to report the abuse on Twitter but was unsuccessful. However, I was forced to discontinue using social media. Email abuse continues. Other prominent scientists were also targeted in an attempt to undermine their scientific reputations. Scientists involved in Covid-19 research need to be protected. To stop the threats and abuse from anti-vaccination movements, police may need to take action.
Dr Andrew Hill