Adult Swim began releasing a series live-action shorts this weekend ahead of Rick and Mortys' season five finale. They starred Jaeden Martell and Christopher Lloyd as the unhealthy grandfather/grandson couple. We spoke to Paul B. Cummings, director of io9, for more information.
The most interesting thing about these shorts, which all ran for less than 15 seconds each, was the small amount of multiversal context that they were accompanied with in the form Rick and Mortys reality design codes. Although each clip was released with a different code that referred to different universes within Rick and Morty's franchise, there was no explanation for why Rick and Morty were suddenly being portrayed by live actors. Although Lloyds casting was a strong nod to Rick & Morty's Back to the Future tie, it raised the question of whether there may be more meatspace Rick & Morty in the future.
Paul B. Cummings, the shorts director for io9, was unable to comment on the possibility of them being included in the show's actual canon. However, he pointed out that Lloyds Morty's most notable moments are from animated shows in the past. Cummings stated that although everything was very scripted with little riffing, Chris told him to let it go and keep repeating the lines over and over again. Before shooting that clip, we watched it a few times.
Cummings described that Lloyd, who was producing the shorts, opened up to him about his feelings that Doc Brown (and Rick Sanchez) were like brothers. This idea is one that Rick and Morty have spent considerable time exploring in their more recent series. The season five finale has ended in a way that Rick and Morty's storyline is now up for grabs. However, the network has already ordered the next chapters.
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The current season of Rick and Morty is available on Adult Swims' website. The sixth season will be released sometime in the future. We will let you know when it is when we discover for ourselves.
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