Jamie Spears asks Britney Spears to end his conservatorship. It's a remarkable move.
Jamie claims that the judge allowed his daughter to hire her own lawyer. Jamie believes that if she does that, there is no legal basis for imposing the restrictions associated with the conservatorship.
He stated in the docs that "in so doing [allowing Ms. Spears to hire a lawyer], the Court has recognized the fact that Ms. Spears has both capacity and capability to choose, engage, instruct, and manage counsel of her choice, without the assistance or guidance of the Court or Conservator." Ms. Spears is able to hire counsel on her own and can therefore handle other business and contractual matters.
Jamie points out Britney would like the conservatorship to be terminated without a medical evaluation. California law doesn't require such an evaluation.
Jamie says that the conservatorship lasted 13 years and things have changed so much that it may not be possible to establish a conservatorship.
Jamie states that he wants the best for his daughter and that if she decides to leave conservatorship and feels capable of managing her own life, she should.
Jamie notes that his daughter asked the court for her life back, without the protections of a conservatorship. She wants her own decisions and he is happy with this.
Jamie states, "Ms. Spears told this Court she wants to regain control over her life without the safety net of a conservatorship." She would like to be able make her own decisions about her medical care, including when, where, and how often she receives therapy.
He continues: "She wants to be able to spend the money that she's earned from her job and control it." She would like to be able get married and have children if she chooses. She wants to be able to live her life freely without being restricted by a conservator or court proceeding.
He said, "If Ms. Spears wishes to end the conservatorship and feels that she can manage her own life, Mr. Spears believes that she should have that opportunity."
Jamie said that Britney's lawyer was a bit unfair by her comments. "Ms. Spears recently testified she didn't know, at most in the past that she could petition for the termination of the conservatorship without having to submit to a full psychological assessment." According to Ms. Spears' testimony Mr. Spears doesn't know why no petition has been filed to end the conservatorship.
Jamie notes Britney's "recent demonstration of independence that raises questions about whether a conservator is necessary." He mentions that Britney is now driving and wants to be in control of her therapy sessions. He says Jodi Montgomery is no longer needed and that she should be released.