Evil Dead is a classic horror film with a low budget. The sequel, Evil Dead II, was released six years later than the original. It is a classican upscaled version of the original film that includes more humor and gore, but with a bigger budget. There are many parts 2 in the scary-movie world that complement the original in a grand way.
These sequels don't necessarily have to be better than the original, although they can sometimes be. We also didn't consider movies that weren't the first in the series. However, sometimes you will get an exceptionally superior part three or four; the horror genre loves to reinvent itself. We are sticking with horrorso Aliens & Predator 2, but we do agree with those who love sci-fi, so they were not included in this list. It will be noticeable, but not always! Titles with the actual number two in them are preferred. Today, io9 celebrates 17 part twos that bring joyblood-splattered and terrifying joy...beginning with Sam Raimis 1987 Evil Dead II starring Bruce Campbell, a chainsaw and some wildly malevolent plants, the Necronomicon and a lot of cackling Deadites.