Jean-Luc Picard, an enlightened man in the 24th Century, enjoys the finer things of life. A little flute music. Tea that tastes just like soap. Some nice wine. After all the hardships he's endured, he allowed himself to indulge. However, I am concerned about some of the new meals he will be offering in Star Trek: Picard season 2.
Terry Matalas, the showrunner of Star Trek: Picard has shared cryptic photos from set on social media as we wait for Patrick Stewart's return. Although there are no big reveals, a recent snapshot of LCARS menus for what Matalas refers to as Picards Replicator has been a constant reminder in my mind for the past few days. Although Matalas claims it is the Picards replicator this is most likely the replicator aboard La Sirena since several items match those on the ship's menu in season 1. I'm not concerned about the replicator. It's all about what's on the menu.
It's a mix of many things. A s tarships replicator is capable of recreating millions of foods and drinks from different cultures within the Federation. This obviously is not the final sum of all the items in the digitized kitchen. Picard's French upbringing may have influenced all of the options available here. Multiple filets of fresh fish, diced tomato and a few fingerlings are all available. However, Jean-Luc Picard seems to believe that there is no such thing as too many garlic cloves for a dish. Peppermint icecream is a nice touch. It's sweet and rich but not too much, which is especially important for Picard, who can make the sundaes himself.
French fries are another option. Starfleet replicators have a tradition of serving fries. Number One orders fries with her Star Trek: Discovery season 2 burger. Fries were a standard feature on Starfleet replicators. Before replicators became common technology aboard ships, Enterprises galleys served fries with meals. You can see in the Picards replicator entry that one serving of fries contains 400g of fried potato. Jean-Luc, my friend. I understand that you have just bought that robot body and are eager to try it out. But that is too many fries for a man in his 90s! This replicator would give you twice as many fingerling potatoes. This is a much healthier option than buying diced tomatoes.
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Is it true? Star Trek has shown us that replicators or Starfleet replicators have altered nutritional content to allow crewmembers to order unhealthy meals. However, these meals are still healthy enough for people who are physically fit and on military and scientific exploration vessels. Deanna complained that the replicators altered her original sundaes to increase their nutritional value. Picard's first season saw Doctor Jurati attempt to induce vomiting in order to expel a R omulan tracker. He ate two slices from La Sirenas replicator to make her feel sick. Picard will probably not eat nearly a pound worth of french fries, even though they aren't real fries.
This grievous error by Matalas and ViacomCBS, Alex Kurtzman, and many other set designers and artists has clearly compromised my Star Trek: Picard Season 2 immersion. Picard and Q are not enjoyable if I know that Picard will be waiting with a huge pile of duplicated fries. I'm willing to suspend belief for many things in Star Trek, including theoretical FTL travel that turns you into a horny Lizard and the ability to teach Ferengi how to bunt. This Trek legend's nutritional nightmare is too extreme. I can't wait to see how Star Trek: Picard season 2 deals with this horrible mistake.
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