September 6, 2021, 5 minutes read
This article was translated using AI technology from the Spanish edition. This process may cause errors.
Ricardo Sheffield, head of Federal Consumer Prosecutor's Office, stated Monday that four companies are being sued by the agency for misleading advertising. These include the airline VivaAerobus, Vips restaurant chain, multinational Sony and British Petroleum (BP).
Ricardo Sheffield, President Andrs Manual Lpez Obrador's morning press conference, singled out four companies that launched rigged, confusing, or false promotions which ultimately defrauded the consumer.
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Let's now see the accusations against each company:
British Petroleum
Profeco's head stated that an oil company claimed that a full tank of gasoline would give 42 km more performance. This is false.
British Petroleum was accused of misleading advertising. They claim that 42 kilometers is the extra distance for each tank you fill up with them. Ricardo Sheffield explained that this is completely false and cannot be proven.
The attorney added that "But it wasn't the only misleading advertisement we were legal fighting back this weekend."
The Vips restaurant chain is owned by the Alsea Group. It was accused of launching a confusing and unclear promotion that ultimately hurt innocent diners.
Vips sells us a stuffed Chili for 35 pesos. But at 35 pesos he gives you the chela. You don't know what he will give you. This is misleading advertising, which has been officially denounced.
Profeco issues preventive measures for Viva Aerobus, BP and Vips for misleading advertising.
Sony de Mxico will also be the subject of a class action lawsuit. https://t.co/jmLXiTcXfx pic.twitter.com/WZ2Z6J1BUz - Profeco (@Profeco) September 6, 2021
Anyone who has ever quoted a flight with this airline knows that the final cost is significantly higher than the price they advertise. After clicking on the VivaAerobus website, you won't see that price anywhere. It turns out, however, that the 50 peso flight is now available for purchase at a cost of 3,000 pesos.
Ricardo Sheffield argued that the airline was misleadingly advertising that you could fly to any destination for only 39 pesos. This promotion is not realistic, Sheffield stated that the Suburban does not cost that much.
It says "more TUA" (Airport Use Fee) in very small print, which is difficult to see. Profeco's head said that this is misleading advertising.
An electronics multinational is accused in promising very, very low prices to the first 10 people who buy certain sound equipment. He explained that the electronics multinational had advertised the product for several weeks, but the top 10 already purchased it. "They (Sony), continued to mislead consumers with this advertising."
He said that Sony will continue to distribute the expired promotion and that they will pursue a collective action against them "who didn't want to continue respecting this discount, despite it continuing to promote the product."
Federal officials stated that large corporations are attempting to profit from the crisis by stealing consumers' money.
Ricardo Sheffield, the head of Profeco, asked consumers who were scammed by these companies, to report the number 5555 68 87 22.