Were fourteen seconds of Back to the Futures Christopher Lloyd or Its Jaeden Marttell as Rick and Morty not enough? Could we please offer you... another twenty?
Adult Swim made the internet a buzz last week when it shared the very brief clip of Lloyd & Martell transforming into reality C132. This was to celebrate its 20th anniversary as well as Rick and Mortys season end. Now, the site is back to share more of its most memorable moments. C- 1, is the first. 21This time, the show's multiverse is less prominent than the name C- 1. Doc brown takes a moment to recall the famous episode Pickle Rick from season three. We don't get to see Christopher Lloyd transformed into a fermented cucumber, but this is for our benefit.
C-137, which is once again a reference to the home dimension for Rick, is a throwback from the original pilot. Poor Morty loses brain function and body function after inhaling the mega-tree seed. Lloyd then digs into Ricks Ricks Morty forever, forever ranting about their impending adventures.
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Rick and Morty dot Com, indeed. After a long wait, the latest season finale of the show dropped this weekend. We are likely to continue to enjoy the series for the long-term. While Lloyd and Martells riffing will continue, it is possible that they will not be seen on the series' final season. However, Rick and Mortys multiverse makes it more likely that they will actually appear on the show, rather than just for fun.
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