Anti-Taliban Afghan resistance force take part in military training in Malimah district in Panjshir province. Ahmad Sahel Arman/Getty Images
On Monday, the Taliban took control of Panjshir.
According to a Times of London reporter, fighters are using US-made rifles and Humvees as well as machine guns.
He also described witnessing rebel prisoners being led away by US-made handcuffs.
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The Times of London's Anthony Loyd reported that Taliban fighters used handcuffs and weapons made in the USA while fighting in the last Afghan province which was resisting their rule.
Monday was Monday when the Taliban claimed they had taken Panjshir Province under their control - a claim which would consolidate their total control over Afghanistan. However, a local resistance group called the National Resistance Front of Afghanistan denied this claim.
Loyd reported from Panjshir that he saw one NRF prisoner being led off in handcuffs with the branding "Peerless Handcuff Company Springfield MA."
Loyd also reported that he saw US weaponry all over the province. This included assault rifles and Humvees as well as machine guns mounted on the backs of Ford Ranger trucks.
It wasn't clear how the Taliban obtained these weapons and handcuffs.
According to President Joe Biden's order, the US military has withdrawn completely from Afghanistan. This follows the 20th anniversary of September 11 attacks.
The US military left behind an extensive array of arms and transportation, including guns, Humvees and scores of aircraft, including C-130H transporter airplanes, four CH-46 Sea Knight helicopters and an A-29 Super Tucanos. There were also several MD-530 helicopters and one Black Hawk helicopter.
In late August, General Kenneth F. McKenzie of US Central Command stated that 150 aircraft and vehicles had been "demilitarized" by the US before they were allowed to be used again.
Business Insider has the original article.