According to Surgeon General Vivek Muthy, the US may have missed its chance at eliminating COVID-19.
Murthy said to Politico that success does not mean no cases, because ICUs all over the country are running low on beds.
He said that vaccinations are still the best way to keep people healthy and out of hospital.
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In an interview with Politico, US Surgeon General Vivek Muthy stated that COVID-19 will not disappear completely.
Although the US missed an opportunity to eradicate the disease completely, he stated that people can still take steps in order to prevent it from getting worse.
Murthy stated, "It's really important that you convey that success doesn't equal no cases." "Success is not about many people dying in hospital.
Murthy's comments come as many hospitals in the US report that they have no ICU beds remaining. Some even treat nearly twice the number of ICU patients than they have space for.
Many Americans were forced to cancel or change their plans due to the continued rise in COVID-19-related cases during Labor Day weekend, ending an optimistic summer on a somber note.
Murthy stated, "This is clearly a very difficult portion of the pandemic."
Murthy also noted that the situation is especially dire in those areas that have low vaccination rates and adhere to mask-wearing guidance.
He said, "This is how the dichotomy is developing." It's almost as if you live in two Americas.
Murthy stated that people who have been vaccinated tend to underestimate the threat posed by the coronavirus Delta strain, while those who are not vaccinated tend to underestimate it.
According to the US Centers for Disease Control, patients who have not been vaccinated with the Delta variant are at greater risk of being hospitalized than those with older strains. However, patients who have had breakthrough cases vaccinated are far less likely to need hospitalization.
Murthy stated simply: Vaccines work.
CNN's Director of the National Institute for Allergy and Infectious Diseases, Dr. Anthony Fauci, said that some hospitals are "perilously near" having to decide who receives potentially lifesaving medical treatment.
According to Austin's public health agency, ICU beds have been exhausted in 11 Texas counties due to the high number of Delta variant cases.
The agency released a statement saying that vaccines are safe and effective in protecting people fully vaccinated against severe illness and death. "Each one of us has the responsibility for keeping our community safe."