September 6, 2021, 4 minutes read
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A leader at the next level must think like their leader. Leaders love it when team members challenge their thinking. However, the leader builds trust when the team member communicates that they think the same way. Leaders will be more likely to trust you if you communicate this way.
Jeff Buckman, Buckmans Inc. CEO, shared one of the most crucial moments in his company's growth. Buckman recounts the 1980s, when he believed he needed to be involved in everything.
I would go to work at 9 p.m. and return to the office or store at 7 a.m. I was exhausted and didn't make a good husband nor father. It was time to make some changes. The company would not have grown if I hadn't learned to delegate.
My philosophy is that you can only improve your organization if your team is strong. Only people and teams can help a company grow and develop.
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Be like the owner and make decisions
A leader can be a great asset if they are able to delegate tasks, decisions and responsibilities to you. Most owners find it difficult to let go of their passion for their products or services. They also have high standards about how they want their business run.
These steps will help you make great decisions and make them as an owner would.
1. Make sure you understand the company's values and take decisions that are in line with them
Top leaders and CEOs make decisions based upon values and beliefs. To make the right decision, a leader at the next level must be able to understand the values and beliefs of their leader. The next-level leader who can communicate how the leader makes decisions will be better equipped to delegate those decisions to the next leader.
2. 2. Consider the impact of the decision on all areas of the company
The CEO oversees all aspects of the company. Many of the next-level leaders are responsible for one area of the business. Consider how each decision will impact all areas of the organization before you make a decision. Next-level leaders who communicate that they have a broad view of all decisions they make will be more trusted by the CEO and encouraged to delegate faster.
3. 3. Evaluate if this decision is in line with other decisions
Judges in the legal field make decisions based upon precedents, or on what was decided before they case. It is important to conduct business decisions in the same manner. Business decisions are often made in conjunction with other decisions made throughout the company's history.
To make the best decision, every leader must consider what previous decisions were made. This is often the result of making a bad decision.
4. Let the leader know that you are understanding when they would like to participate in the decision-making process
Many leaders and CEOs would love to be able to delegate more decision-making to their teams. If team members can communicate where the leader wants to be included in the decision making process, leaders are more likely to allow the next-level leaders to make more decisions for the organization.
Many CEOs find it a paradox that their next-level leaders are more involved in decision-making than they are.
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The majority of the decisions that a business leader wants to participate in concern long-term customers and vendors, significant monetary impacts or value-based decisions that could be against their personal beliefs. It is important to have a conversation with leaders about the impact of a decision. This will help them decide when and how they would like to participate in the decision-making process.