Students and entrepreneurs! This call is looking for projects that will transform the future

September 6, 2021, 2 minutes read
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You can go from an inventor to an entrepreneur!

Are you a person with a vision for a project that can change the world? / Or reactivate Latin America's economy? INC Prototype is the place to be at the INCmty 2021 initiative, where students and entrepreneurs can showcase their research and designs.

The contest will assess prototypes by experts. Conferences, workshops, and tools will also be provided to participants. This will enable them to make use of the space to promote their prototypes.

An accumulated bag will be available for the top prototypes, worth 120 000 pesos each in prizes. Plus:

Chance to compete with your prototype and win great prizes

Innovations, researchers, and experts give feedback

The contest's technical evaluation committee has validated the technical validity

Special activities focusing on your entrepreneurial stage

Potential to be noticed and get media attention for your project

You can access the virtual Festival INCmty2021 to share all your experiences with others and network

Activation as an entrepreneur potential of the INCmty Community where you will be in touch with the opportunities in the Latin American entrepreneurial environment

Access to the INCmty2021 memories and highlights

There are two types of participation acknowledgements: one for INC Prototype participation and one as an INCmty 2021 attendee.

Do you want to receive more information? You can find more information about the call at the official website of INCmty 2021, or the infographic below.

Image by INCmty2021