Starwatch: celestial dolphin makes a splash in the night sky

This week's constellation is pure joy. Delphinus, also known as the dolphin, is among the faintest constellations in our sky. However, once you see it, it's impossible to forget the sight of a celestial Dolphin leaping up from the Milky Way.
This chart shows the view looking west from London at midnight Monday. To orient yourself, use the bright star Altair in Aquila (the eagle) Because only Sualocin or Rotanev are brighter than magnitude four, you will need to locate a dark spot.

Ptolemy, in the 2nd Century, defined Delphinus. There are many myths associated with it. One legend states that Delphinus was the intermediary who brokered the marriage of Poseidon with the (eventual sea goddess Amphitrite), when Poseidon fled. The god named Delphinus among the stars in gratitude for his help landing his wife.

Another story tells how Arion, a musician, was returning to Greece on his voyaging trip and that sailors plotted to rob him. Arion performed one more song that summoned dolphins to his vessel. The dolphins then took Arion overboard, and he was taken back to Greece by one the animals. Apollo created the constellation to express his gratitude to the dolphin who gave him help. Look for Delphinus, a constellation located in the north-western sky, from Sydney, Australia.