Fuquan Johnson, a comedian, died from an overdose this weekend. Two others were also in the hospital. A fourth person is currently being treated. TMZ learned that one of the victims was the girlfriend of Darius Rucker.
Sources in law enforcement tell TMZ that there was a Friday night get-together at someone's home in Venice, L.A. where Johnson was present -- along with Kate Quigley, a comedian/model who was, of late, seeing the lead singer of Hootie & the Blowfish -- this just after the man split from his wife of over a year.
However, Darius' rep confirmed to TMZ that he is not currently dating Kate. They were reportedly out together for a large portion of last year. There are photos of them as a couple on Kate's IG page from May. It seems that there is no affiliation.
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The place where the 911 call was directed was listed as a property owned by Quigley. It could be a duplex.
We're told that cops were called shortly after midnight and found four people who looked dead or very close to death. According to our sources, Johnson and two others were declared dead at the scene. Quigley was taken to the hospital in critical condition. We are not sure what her condition is now. We tried to reach out to her team, but were unable to find any contact information for the woman.
According to our sources, cocaine laced fentanyl was what all ingested. The L.A. Coroner's Office is currently performing autopsies on the three bodies. We are currently trying to get the IDs for the two other victims, who may also be comedians.
According to our law enforcement sources, the LAPD's Homicide Unit was also notified of this case. However, no word has been given on whether or not they are getting involved. The LAPD is still investigating. It is not clear who supplied the coke or who purchased it. Also, it's unclear under what circumstances the coke might have been used by the four people.
We are told that it is difficult to know if there will be any charges. Our sources tell us they don't know where the drug came from. It could still spell trouble, and it might mean Uncle Sam is involved, as Mac Miller's death led to federal charges following an investigation...with indictments of the alleged dealers.
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Fuquan and Kate have been friends for a while. They've been photographed together since a few years ago. FJ and Kate are both involved in L.A.'s comedy scene -- they have fun with Joey Diaz (Donnell Rawlings), Jay Pharoah (Jay Pharoah), Jeff Ross, Chaunte Howans, Jeff Ross, Jeff Ross, Jeff Ross, and many others.
Fuquan was 43.