On Wednesday, a Texas restrictive abortion law was in effect.
ABC News was told by an abortion clinic worker that 70% of women who sought abortion care were turned down this week.
The new law prohibits abortions after six weeks. This is before most women realize they are pregnant.
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ABC News was told by a worker at Houston Planned Parenthood that approximately 70% of women who called for abortion this week had to be denied.
Wednesday's Texas Heartbeat law (SB 8 or Texas Heartbeat law) went into effect. It bans abortions six weeks before most women are aware they are pregnant.
Planned Parenthood released a news release saying that 85-90% of Texans who have abortions are six weeks or less into their pregnancy.
Doris Dixon is the clinic's director of patient access. She said that her clinic has become a "crisis centre."
She said that people don't know where they should go, according to ABC News.
Dixon said that a woman visited Dixon on Wednesday to check her pregnancy status and found out she was five-and-a-half weeks pregnant. The woman tested positive for coronavirus, so she won't be able to have an abortion once she has done isolating.
Dixon said that Dixon was shocked to hear Dixon describe her beggar for help. "I tried very hard to not cry, but they were there," Dixon said.
ABC News was also informed by the clinic worker that she was concerned about the law's potential to lead to self-abortion and she has already seen one woman attempt to end her own pregnancy following the implementation of the law.
Dixon stated that she was upset by the new law. "It is an attack upon people's constitutional rights to receive these services. She said that it was between the doctors and them.
Friday's temporary restraining order was granted to abortion providers by Texas Right to Life and its associates.
SB 8 permits private citizens to sue anyone who aids or abets abortion. If they win, the case will be worth at least $10,000 plus attorney fees. The restraining orders prohibits the anti-abortion group's ability to sue abortion providers and health workers.
Judge Maya Guerra Gamble, Texas District Court for Travis County, granted the order. She stated that the law creates a "probable and irreparable injury in the interim" for abortion providers if it is applied by private citizens.
The Supreme Court however, refused to stop the restraint law this week.