Alex Jones, a US far-right radio host, speaks with supporters of Donald Trump during a demonstration in Washington DC on December 12, 2020 to protest the 2020 election. Olivier DoulieryAFP/Getty Images
Alex Jones went on a passionate rant on Friday's episode of InfoWars.
Jones was seen taking ivermectin (a controversial and unproven treatment of COVID-19), according to Jones.
FDA warns against COVID-19 treatment with this drug, particularly with animal versions.
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Alex Jones, a Far-right radio host, launched an invective during an episode Infowars Friday. He appeared to have taken multiple pills of ivermectin (an antiparasitic drug some are using to treat COVID-19, despite the lack of evidence to support its effectiveness).
Jones, in a video of his rant that is intermittent and sometimes difficult to follow, presents two boxes of Ivermectin and appears as if he takes two of them. He rails against Fauci, the director of National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), and Bill Gates, the billionaire, calling them "murderers."
He said, "You want me to be suppressed, you want me to die." "You think that I'm easy to kill?"
He continues to shout, "Nobel Prize-winning For Humans" five more times in front of the camera.
Some media reports have described Ivermectin as a horse dewormer. However, it can also be used to treat certain conditions in humans. It is listed on the World Health Organization's essential medicines list. The drug was discovered by two Nobel Prize-winning scientists in 2015.
It is not an approved treatment for COVID-19 and some people have taken high-concentrated ivermectin to treat parasites in cows and horses. NPR reported that poison control centers are seeing an increase in calls about overdoses.
The Food and Drug Administration warns against using ivermectin for COVID-19 treatment, not only for animals but also for humans.
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Jones stood by Joe Rogan, the podcast host, who had announced this week that he was taking ivermectin and a host other treatments after testing positive for COVID-19.
He also spoke out about how ivermectin had helped him and his family, but Fauci said that he "doesn’t want you to find out because he wants this planet for himself and wants you dead."
Fauci advised people not to take ivermectin for COVID-19 treatment or prevention. He said that there is no clinical evidence that it works.
"Don't do it," Fauci told CNN. "There is no evidence that this works, and it could possibly have toxic effects."
Business Insider has the original article.