September 4, 2021, 6 minutes read
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You'll see a lot of search queries if you have spent any time on LinkedIn in the last year looking for the best marketing or client acquisition programs. Instead of a generic corporate messaging strategy that is full of buzzwords and clichés, let's imagine our marketing plan focusing on gratitude. Research shows that gratitude is both a win-win situation for the receiver and giver.
But there is a caveat: It must be authentic.
Now what? You can talk about gratitude as an idea or concept, but it is only effective when practiced with intention. How do we begin?
1. Make a gratitude inventory.
Gratitude can be practiced at any time of the day and for any reason. A list can be helpful if you want to cultivate gratitude towards others. It's enough to compile a simple list with names and phone numbers. However, it is helpful to have contact information to help you stay consistent. A picture of the person should be added to your gratitude list. The simple act of looking at their faces can trigger emotions and memories that can help us to take steps towards letting them feel the same.
You can break down your gratitude inventory by type or category. For example, you could choose to thank people or share a list with people you admire and have never told.
Related: The Biological Reason for Practice Gratitude
2. Set simple gratitude goals.
This is not about creating yet another to-do list item on your never-ending list of things you need to do. It is to remind yourself in clear and simple ways to express gratitude while also showing appreciation to others. People in your life are very special. You likely have many who would appreciate a simple thank you or thought of you recently.
Find ways to be grateful. Don't forget to thank them for their kindness. People remember genuine, sincere thanks. Try to imagine yourself in their shoes. Imagine how it feels to receive a genuine thank-you note. It's the best thing in the world.
3. Handwritten notes are a great way to show your appreciation and make thoughtful gifts!
Nearly all communication these days is digital. The Covid pandemic was simply an acceleration of forces already changing the world. Globalization, the ever-increasing power of technology to connect us via apps like Zoom, Slack, and Microsoft Teams, and enforced distance have made it harder than ever for prospects, clients, and even those we love and care about to make real human connections.
Handwritten thank-you notes are a great way to show appreciation and cut through the noise. While kids might think that's old-fashioned, humans like to be acknowledged that someone did more than sending an email or a text message.
Professors at the University of Chicago, and UT Austin showed that note-senders underestimate how well they will be received and underestimate how awkward it would be to send a tangible note.
Related: Why gratitude makes leaders more effective
4. 4. Communicate your gratitude outreach results with your team.
You can share all positive comments, emails, and comments you get from your gratitude outreach. Have one day where the team can discuss who they have been sending thank-you notes to, other gratitude initiatives, and possible outcomes. It's a great feeling, and it will motivate and inspire the team to continue their gratitude campaign. The results will begin to multiply.
If you don't come together and share your positivity, it becomes isolated. This is a crucial point that's often overlooked and can cause your acts of gratitude become a one-off thing rather than a regular practice that's ingrained in your business. You can share your gratitude stories with others and see how they respond to you. These details can ignite your team and help you get positive energy flowing.
Personally, I love the idea of Thankful Fridays. People are more optimistic on Thursdays, when the weekend is fast approaching. You can capitalize on this by making it your day to write thank you notes, show gratitude to your team, and share stories about how gratitude has impacted your clients lives.
5. Recognize those who practice gratitude and thankful outreach.
It's not only a great feeling to build a community of gratitude practitioners, but it can also lead to valuable business results. People who have made gratitude a priority have stronger, more vibrant networks with other people with whom they are deeply connected. Have you ever met someone with a large network, but only had shallow relationships?
To increase your gratitude marketing's effectiveness exponentially, it is a good idea to seek out other gratitude practitioners.
The best thing about the gratitude campaign is the realization that it wasn't about generating more revenue or winning more business deals. Being grateful is a powerful way to enjoy your life. Any business results are only the cherry on the cake. Strong relationships are key to success in business and the best way to live longer, happier lives.
Related: How to practice gratitude as a business skill