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It is not easy to become an entrepreneur. It doesn't matter if you are just starting your business or if you have the funding to launch your product.
Do not give up on yourself and throw in the towel. Instead, use these fifty phrases to keep you going during difficult times.
1. It is important to get up and do something. It's that simple. Although many people have ideas, only a handful of people actually take action. No tomorrow. Not next week. Not next week. Nolan Bushnell, entrepreneur, is the true entrepreneur who does not dream but acts.
2. To do or not to do. It doesn't matter if you try, it's just do it - Yoda Jedi Master.
3. Entrepreneurs should do what they love. Catherine Cook, cofounder of MyYearbook.
4. It's not all about ideas. Behance co-founder Scott Belsky: Make them real.
5. In my career, I've lost over 9,000 chances. I've lost almost 300 games. Twenty-six times I was entrusted to make the winning shot, and I have failed. "I have failed repeatedly in my life, and that is why i have succeeded," - Michael Jordan, professional basketball player.
6. It is okay to be small. A team like this can accomplish great things," - Jason Fried, founder and CEO of 37signals.
7. Though ideas are simple, implementation is hard - Guy Kawasaki founder of AllTop.
8. You should only be passionate about the things you do.
9. Twenty years ago is the best time to plant trees. Chinese proverb says that now is the second best time to plant a tree.
10. Keep going even if you are having a rough time - Winston Churchill Prime Minister of England.
11. There are many reasons not to start your own business. There are many reasons to start a business, but there is one reason that I believe you will know: To change the world. Phil Libin, founder and CEO of Evernote.
12. It is important to hire the best people. Marc Benioff, Salesforce CEO, says that you should look for people who are passionate about changing the world.
13. Hard work and determination are the price of success - Vince Lombardi coach of the Green Bay Packers.
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14. Remember that even when everything seems impossible, the plane will take off against the wind. This is Henry Ford, founder and CEO of Ford Motor Company.
15. Ray Kroc, founder and CEO of McDonald's, said that if you aren't comfortable taking on risks, it's time to get out of business.
16. Learn by watching, listening and learning. It is impossible to know everything. Anybody who believes they can know it all is doomed to mediocrity. Donald Trump, President of The Trump Organization.
17. Larry Page, cofounder of Google.
18. 20 years from now, you'll be more disappointed in the things that you didn’t do than the ones you did. Let go of your moorings and sail off from safe harbors. Explore. Dream - Mark Twain (writer).
19. It is important not to focus on the reasons you cannot do something. This is what most people do. Steve Case, cofounder of AOL, explains why you shouldn't do it.
20. Albert Einstein, physicist, is a person who has never made a mistake and never tried something new.
21. 21. Howard Schultz CEO of Starbucks, says that dreaming bigger than others is possible.
22. Perseverance is half the difference between successful entrepreneurs and those who fail - Steve Jobs (co-founder of Apple).
23. 23. You cannot replace it with word of mouth and marketing efforts on social media. Anthony Volodkin is the founder of HypeMachine.
24. Walt Disney, cofounder of The Walt Disney Company said that "The only way to get started is to stop talking and begin acting."
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26. Capital raising is often more difficult than you think and takes longer than you think. Richard Harroch, investor.
27. Do something that saves lives if you don't know where to go next. Sanjeev Saxena: "The world is full people with needs. Be part of their lives and fill that need."
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29. 29. I am grateful when there is one more drop of water in my glass, because I know what I will do with it. Gary Vaynerchuk is the Co-Founder and CEO at VaynerMedia.
30. It's difficult to beat someone who never gives up," - Babe Ruth (member of the Baseball Hall of Fame).
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31. 31. Is it too late to quit your job? The stars won't align, and the traffic lights won't turn green simultaneously. Although the universe doesn't conspire against you and he won't bend to accommodate anything, he does not go out of his ways to help. There are no perfect conditions. "Someday" could be a deadly disease that will endanger your hopes and dreams. Both the pros and cons are equally bad. It is important that you do it. If you do not want to wait, you can just do it.
32. You can fail often to be successful soon, Tom Kelley, IDEO partner.
33. We are not currently aiming to conquer the globe - Sergey Brin (co-founder of Google).
34. You will eventually look like an overnight success with perseverance and ten year of hard work - Biz Stone (co-founder of Twitter).
35 Although you may fail, you are not done. Beverly Sills, an opera singer.
36. 36. They ignore them. Investors who are looking for proven strategies and predictable results will be ignored. Instead, listen to customers and your vision and create something that lasts. Seth Godin, Marketing Guru.
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38 38. It is now cheaper than ever for a business to be started - Noah Everett founder of Twitpic.
39. 39. Keep moving regardless of what you do. Martin Luther King Jr., activist and leader.
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41. I didn't fail. I found only 10,000 methods that didn't work. - Thomas Edison, inventor.
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42 42. Entrepreneurship is not science or art. It is practice. - Peter Drucker. Management philosopher.
43. It is impossible to be creative and original in business today if you don't also sell what your create - David Ogilvy founder of Ogilvy & Mather.
44 44. You will be hailed as a success overnight by everyone and they will tell you how fortunate you are. Mark Cuban, President of AXS TV
45. 45. Success is how high you can bounce after hitting bottom. - George Patton (general of the United States Army).
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47 Positive thinking is better than negative thinking. - Zig Ziglar lecturer.
48 Do not try to be unique, just be good. - Paul Rand. Graphic designer.
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50 Remember that your goal and the plan you have to achieve it may change from time to other. The important thing is to always work with a goal and a plan. Napoleon Hill, author of Think and Get Rich.
Bonus: People can hear anything, but what you say will affect their reactions - John Rampton entrepreneur and investor.