Here are 6 tips to help you cope with anxiety about COVID this fall and winter
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The coronavirus delta variant is still with us, despite the fact that the days are getting shorter and the nights longer. Already, it is clear that the next few seasons will not be "life as usual", as we had hoped.
People are frustrated. People have been doing it for a long time and thought that things would change." Vickie Mays, a psychologist at the University of California Los Angeles, says, "People have been doing this for a long while, and they believed by now things would be different."
According to Dr. Preeti Maani, an infectious disease professor at University of Michigan, we'll likely see more outbreaks and restrictions with each increase in local cases or hospitalizations. Some of us feel a bit anxious about this.
What are some ways to manage anxiety when the days get darker?
We know what masking up or other restrictions look like, and how they can affect our feelings. These are some tools that experts recommend to help you deal with it all.
Change the way you think about anxiety
Reframing is a useful tool. This is a way to take emotions or feelings you feel and turn them into something positive. Learn why you are anxious and accept it as normal. Wendy Suzuki, a New York University neuroscientist, explains that anxiety is caused by uncertainty. This is the natural stress response system that the body has.
Suzuki is the author of Good Anxiety: Harnessing The Power of the Most Misunderstood emotion. She suggests that instead of thinking of anxiety as something to be suppressed, it should be viewed as a superpower that drives us to action. She says it helped our ancestors escape the lions. A mother can lift a toddler's car by taking a quick hit of cortisol and adrenaline.
Suzuki suggests that you make your "what-if" list a "to do list." Your "what-if" list is the list that you keep in your head about what could go wrong. For example, what if I don't have enough money to fly to my mom this winter? Suzuki suggests that you don't need to sit and stew about your worries. Instead, take action. To ensure that you are connected with your family across the globe this winter, you should start by creating a list.
Deep breathing is the key to unlocking your inner peace.
You can learn to calmly breathe.
You can activate your parasympathetic nervous systems if you feel anxious or angry. Suzuki says that deep breathing is the key to success. It can be done wherever you are. Take a deep inhale and count to 4, then exhale to count to 4. Continue this process until you feel calm.
Calm and Insight Timer are two apps that can help you slow down your breathing. One exercise from Stop, Breathe & Think Kids is to trace your fingers upwards as you inhale, then hold the top for a second, and then trace your fingers downwards as you exhale. This is called five finger breathing and it's also useful for adults!
Move your body
Anxiety can be combated by physical movement. Suzuki states that feeling anxious all the time can have serious long-term consequences for your health. It can cause heart disease, stomach problems such as ulcers, long-term reproductive issues, and damage to brain cells.
Even a 10 minute exercise a day can make a big difference. Suzuki says that moving your body is like giving your brain a relaxing bath full of neurochemicals such as dopamine, serotonin, and noradrenaline. These neurochemicals naturally lower anxiety, stress levels, and depression.
Research has shown that exercise can reduce panic attacks, mood and sleep disorders, as well as improve mood. A study published in The Lancet Psychiatry suggests that it might be better to join a team than just going to the gym.
According to Salina Duggan, a Seattle personal trainer, planning to exercise is half of the battle. If you are unable or unwilling to go outside due weather conditions, it can make exercising even more difficult. It doesn't have be difficult. Place a yoga mat near your work area.
Get connected with others
Being with others is an important part of maintaining mental health. Many people stopped doing it or moved online during last year's tight COVID-19 restrictions.
Malani said that this winter won't be the same as previous ones, but "because we have highly effective, safe vaccines." She said that the advice she gives to everyone is the same as she gave her parents: "Ensure that the people you spend time with are fully vaccinated."
It's almost like your brain is getting a bath every time you move your body.
Yes, it is possible for people to get vaccinated against a breakthrough infection. However, we don't know how often this happens.
Go on vacation, visit your family, or see a friend you haven’t seen in awhile. But be careful and check with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to make sure you are aware of the recommended vaccines and the transmission rates for the area you are visiting. If you are going to be with small children or people with compromised immune systems, consider wearing a mask indoors.
Malani states that while there is some risk, the risks are not zero. However, they are offset by the benefits.
You can share a ritual you find meaningful.
Suzuki sought out rituals to calm her anxiety long before the pandemic. In 2015, she attended a tea ceremony in Bali (Indonesia) and found the answer. The ceremony featured a monk who silently brewed tea and then poured it into tea bowls made of handmade ceramic for the guests.
She says, "It felt as if I finally had a great excuse for just being present and enjoying the warmth of the tea and the reflections that were visible on the surface." She has been repeating the silent tea meditation almost every morning since then and shared it with her friends on Zoom during the pandemic.
Accept the fact that our new normal might be unusual
We can't wish the COVID-19 pandemic away. It is here for a while. We have to find ways that we can manage our risks and care for our mental health over the long-term.
Malani states, "For some of you, we are still looking for that magical moment when all will go back to normal." "And unfortunately, that's not going to happen," Malani says.