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Publisher Electronic Arts and developer BioWare have been seriously considering the use of Unreal Engine to create the next Mass Effect game. This information comes mainly from an EA job posting for a Mass Effect 5 technical director. This information comes primarily from an EA job listing for a technical director for Mass Effect 5.
BioWare created the first three Mass Effect games using Unreal. This is a set of tools that developers can license from Epic Games to create new games. BioWare used EA's Frostbite to create Mass Effect: Andromeda. This was originally an EA game that DICE had created for Battlefield shooters. The transition from Unreal into Frostbite was a significant loss for Mass Effect and BioWares' follow-up Anthem. This was evident in elements such as ambient world animation. Anthem's characters will remain motionless until approached, unlike the Mass Effect nightclubs that featured dozens of dancing characters.
Frostbites appealed to EA because it was all about saving money. It could license the tech without Epic or any other outside companies because it owns it.
I reached out to EA in an effort to get their opinion. Any statement from EA will be added to this story.
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Mass Effect is years away. BioWare wants you to be ahead of the technology curve.
EA's Frostbites appeal is clearly declining, especially since the Mass Effect team has been looking at Unreal. It makes sense, if you consider the publisher's recent history. Respawn Entertainments Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order was one of EA's most beloved games since it began shifting all its projects over to Frostbite. It was built by Unreal.
It is easy to see a line between a successful Unreal game and EA becoming more open for the possibility of working on that engine again. That is likely a factor in EA's decision to investigate the possibility of Epics software kit being used on future entries of BioWares space opera. EA wants BioWare to be armed and ready to build a Mass Effect game in the future. This means that Frostbite may be out of date by Mass Effect 5's start.
BioWare is currently working to develop Dragon Age 4. According to my sources, the game is still scheduled for release in 2023. This would mean that Mass Effect 5 won't be released until at least 2025. Even in this optimistic scenario, Frostbite might look old and creaky compared to Unreal Engine 5.
BioWare is currently researching cutting-edge technical and graphical features that could be implemented into Mass Effect 5. It could end up with Unreal, which is the only viable and most cost-effective way to achieve that. BioWare is keen to be technical parity with the industry and will therefore familiarize itself with Unreal, even if Frostbite ends up being the final choice.