CNN reports that Stephen Miller stated that refugees would create "Iraqs" and "Stans" during a meeting.
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According to CNN, Stephen Miller, a former senior Trump administration advisor, resisted the idea of settling more Afghan refugees in a cabinet meeting in 2018. He said that the refugees would make "Iraqs" and "Stans" in the US.
Miller supported a xenophobic immigration policy that was unapologetically racist during the Trump administration. He helped to create the Muslim ban as well as other policies that broke down and backedlogged the asylum system.
"What do you guys want?" According to CNN, Miller spoke during the meeting. CNN also cited an official present at the meeting. "A lot of Iraqs and Stans across the country?
According to reports, James Mattis, the then-Defense Secretary, suggested that President Donald Trump's cabinet approve more Special Immigrant Visas for Afghan ally who had risked and worked with the US.
Miller demanded more security checks and "extreme screening," which was a hallmark of the Muslim ban.
Miller stated to CNN on Friday that he supports the same type of vetting he advocated and which was implemented in the Trump administration.
Miller's stance is not new. In fact, a former adviser to Pence criticized Miller's "racist hysteria” towards immigrants in August.