Bob Boone isn't the first, and will not be the last.
According to an AP source Boone, Washington Nationals Vice President, has told the team that he is resigning.
It's not that the Nats are terrible, or because they traded away their stars players at the deadline. They have clearly given up on trying to compete.
Nope. That would have been noble, however.
Boone, who is a member of a well-known baseball family that has been involved in the game for 50 years, decided to leave the Nationals. He doesn't want the COVID-19 vaccine mandate.
After refusing to receive the COVID-19 vaccination, Rick Dennison, Minnesota Vikings assistant coach, had to look for other employment.
According to the New York Post, analysts John Smoltz (New York Post Wednesday) and Al Leiter (New York Post Wednesday) were banned from appearing in studio by MLB Network after they refused to conform to the company's new policy.
Before the people speak out about personal freedom, companies and individuals should be able to refuse to work in potentially dangerous situations. This includes coworkers who are not vaccinated.
Public safety is the responsibility of everyone, and not just you.
Masks can be refused by people. They won't be able buy food, fly, or go to a gym, indoor sporting event, or to shop. Boone, now 73, is part of that lost herd. They choose science over principle.
Many people make this mistake and regret it. Podcaster Joe Rogan was initially dismissive of vaccinations but now has COVID.
Three anti-vaccine radio talk shows hosts, including Marc Bernier, who was a conservative Florida host, have died from Covid over the past month. He was 65.
It is a phony that the pandemic is not real.
We are grateful for the Nationals' staff.
Boone is going to condemn them for trying to do the right thing to end the pandemic that has gripped the globe and changed everyone for the last year and a quarter.
We have a responsibility as a company to ensure the safety of our employees. The team stated that mandating vaccinations was the right thing to do for the community and that we had to comply with our obligations.
At first, those who refused to be vaccinated claimed that the vaccine was experimental and had not been approved by government.
Strange. People who don't want the government telling them what they should do used the absence of government approval to justify not doing their bit.
The FDA approved the first vaccine, but the FDA is still working on other approvals.
It's fine. Everyone has the right to make their own decision.
Others, however, such as those who have been vaccinated or are trying to end this horrible scourge, also have the right of choice.
Start companies and become business owners.
They have the right of deciding who can and cannot work in their company, particularly when it comes to the health of other employees. This is the part that many people forget.
It's not about you. It's about the people around you and their families.
Sports are not going to be free from this dilemma. This is only the beginning.
The NFLPA is looking into comments made by Urban Meyer, a Jacksonville coach who stated openly that the team's roster decisions were influenced by his vaccination status.
No NFL team will dump a star player who hasn't been vaccinated. If all other factors are equal, a player with the shot will have a greater chance of getting a spot than a player who has not been vaccinated.
The Jaguars released a statement. The team stated that availability is one of many factors considered when making roster decisions. Our roster includes both vaccinated and non-vaccinated players. No player was removed because of their vaccination status.
Final decisions will be based on the ability of a player to win for the Jaguars. We provide education and respect individual decisions regarding the vaccination. We are committed to keeping our players, their families and staff safe by following all protocols that relate to safety and health on game day.
All NFL players should be vaccinated.
Although it is not yet complete, the league has established strict protocols to protect players who haven't been fully vaccinated.
If the virus spreads, Boone will soon be forced to leave.
You need to locate a vaccination clinic near you. To find a vaccine location near you in the United States, click here.