Nancy Pelosi, House Speaker (D-Calif.), announced Thursday that she will introduce legislation to codify Roe v. Wade. This landmark Supreme Court decision, which protects the right of women to choose whether or not to have an abortion.
Pelosi stated in a statement that the House will present Congresswoman Judy Chus Womens Health Protection Act upon its return to Congress. This bill would enshrine in law reproductive health care for all women in America.
This announcement came a day after the U.S. Supreme Court approved an extreme Texas law that criminalizes abortion at six week and empowers citizens to enforce it.
The House speaker lashed out at the Supreme Court's decision. She claimed that Texas' cowardly and dark-of-night decision not to allow the Texas law to take effect would cause disaster for women in Texas, especially women of color from low-income backgrounds.
Every woman has the constitutional right of basic health care. Pelosi stated that SB8 is the most dangerous and extreme abortion ban in 50 years. Its purpose is to repeal Roe v. Wade and refuse to allow exceptions in cases of rape or incest. This ban requires codification of Roe v. Wade.
The House will be returning to session on September 20th.
Although the Womens Health Protection Act is likely to pass the House, it will almost certainly be blocked in the Senate. Because of the filibuster rule and the fact that there are only 50 Democrats in the caucus, legislation needs 60 votes in order to move forward in the Senate. Two pro-choice Republican senators are Lisa Murkowski (Alaska), and Susan Collins (Maine), however that doesn't bring Democrats to 60.
This article was originally published on HuffPost. It has since been updated.