Google Assistant is currently developing Quick phrases, which could allow you to skip saying Hey Google for phrases such as What time it is? or Turn on the lights, according to 9to5Google reports. It is not yet known when the feature will launch, or which devices it might be supported on.
It was originally known as Voice shortcuts. However, its capabilities were limited to answering incoming calls and silencing alarms. Google has renamed the new menu 9to5Google salsas, which covers a wider range of tasks. You can ask questions about the weather, skip tracks, set alarms, and timers, in addition to simply silencing them.
It appears that you will need to enable each command individually from the settings menu to get them working without a wake word. Voice Match will then be used to ensure they respond only to your voice. A menu item indicates that phrases can also be set up to work on other Google Assistant devices.
9to5Google believes that the feature expands the list of wake phrases the Assistant device is listening for. The software listens for Hey, Google and OK, Google wake phrases by default. However, if you add What time is it? to a Quick Phrase, this will effectively make the software a wake phrase.
Similar features were introduced for Google's Nest smart speakers in 2019. This feature allows you to silence your alarm without having to say anything. Quick Phrases extends this functionality to include a variety of common tasks.
This is a great feature for smart home controls that can be activated quickly and easily. Google's software will need to be careful if it doesn't mistake other sounds for the expanded list of wake phrases.