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Technion-Israel Institute of Technology scientists claim to have discovered a way to reverse natural aging of immune cells, potentially making the elderly more resistant to COVID-19 or other infections.
The Jerusalem Post reported that researchers discovered the molecular pathway the body uses to make B cells. This pathway is used by the immune system to produce antibodies against pathogens. According to research published in Blood last month, the body does not produce as many B cells as it used to. However, suppressing one hormone can cause production. This could give an older person's immune system the same strength and resilience.
Although clinical trials are still needed, the team's work suggests a future where the elderly will be able to fight off disease just like younger generations and enjoy better health into old age.
B cells live only for a brief time before dying. They are then converted into long-lasting memories B cells (MBC), which your immune systems uses to keep track of any previous infections. A new B cell will replace a dead B cell if it is not converted into an MBC. According to the study, cell production slows down when there are more MBCs. This makes it difficult for older people to learn how to fight off new pathogens such as the coronavirus.
According to Doron Melamed, a Technion researcher from Israel, young cells are present in a person's body. These cells have the ability to recognize any pathogenic substances that enter your body.
Researchers looked into the natural replenishment of body's B cells in order to discover a trick to get the body to make new ones. Multiple sclerosis patients had their MBC stocks depleted. At that point, their bodies began to make new cells.
After identifying the hormones that stop B cell production again after replenishment, the team discovered that the body produces more B cells when the hormone is deactivated. They hope to use this hormonal trick as a rejuvenating treatment for the aged and immunocompromised.
Melamed explained to The Jerusalem Post that hormone signals from the old B cells (the memory cells) inhibit bone marrow's ability to produce new cells. This is an important discovery. It's like finding a needle within a haystack.