You are not a horse. You are not a horse. I fear you are a homo sapiens living inside a world that is so insane people would rather poison themselves using worm medicine for animals than use a vaccine for humans.
I am referring to ivermectin. In simpler times, doctors and those who were passionate about parasitic worms only knew what ivermectin was. Armchair pharmacists have been made famous by the pandemic. Once obscure medications like hydroxychloroquine or remdesivir are now household names. It's now the turn of ivermectins: The livestock dewormer is the anti-Covid drug choice for those who want to do their research and make their own decisions about their health. Only sheeple listens to experts and doctors! After listening to Fox News or Facebook, independent thinkers practice farmyard medicine.
Fair enough, it is inaccurate to claim that ivermectin was only meant for cows and horses. It has been used successfully by humans to treat parasitic worm-related diseases. However, there is little evidence that ivermectin, whether it is animal or human, can be used to treat or prevent Covid. However, right-wing pundits as well as conservative politicians continue to promote the anti-parasitic. Ivermectin is selling fast: It is being sold out in Oklahoma and Las Vegas agricultural supply stores; Idaho pharmacies are reporting shortages; prescriptions across the US have increased to nearly 90,000. This is an increase of almost 3600 per week before the pandemic. People aren't just going to farms to purchase the drug, they're also fighting legal battles to get the right to ingest ivermectin. After his wife filed a case, a judge in Ohio ruled that the patient must be given the drug. Ivermectinmania is not limited to the US. There has been a tenfold rise in Australians purchasing ivermectin. GB News commentators in the UK have been asking questions about the drug.
I'd be willing to try any experimental preventatives if there was no effective way to protect yourself against Covid. We have vaccines! Similar to the above, I would be excited if ivermectin had side-effects that were fun for horses. There are no side effects that are fun! Side effects of off-label usage include diarrhoea (if you're lucky) and death (if not). According to the Mississippi Health Department, at least 70% of recent calls to the state poison control center were related to livestock or animal formulations. If you're unlucky, death.
Although the FDA's snarky tweets made headlines, it is unlikely that they will make a difference in the minds of their target audience. People don't take ivermectin to think they're horses. They do it because experts seem like asses. This is not a problem that you can solve by rationalising with people or sneering at their problems. If people believe that the elite and mainstream media conspire to stop them from using horse drugs for political purposes, there is no argument that can be made that would convince them otherwise.
I don't know how people can get vetted vaccines rather than farm medicine. But, I believe there is an amazing legend about Frederick The Great and potatoes. Old Fritz wanted to encourage Prussians eat potatoes, as they were inexpensive and healthy. However, his subjects refused to be told what to do. The king devised a clever plan. He made it appear that the potato was reserved for elites and had his soldiers protect fields of them. It worked. Villagers started coveting potatoes. I'm not suggesting that we should bury Covid vaccinations in ditches. Instead, you can put signs saying "THE MAINSTREAM MEDIA DOES NOT WANT YOU TO TAKE THIS." I am simply saying that at this stage, any idea is worth consideration.