Dominion Voting Systems sued Powell for defamation. Smartmatic, an electronic voting system company, also sued Powell.
Powell represented Michael Flynn who pleaded guilty in 2017 to false statements to FBI investigators.
On August 25, a US judge ruled that Powell had engaged in "historical and profound abuse" the legal system.
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Sidney Powell was interviewed for the Australian Broadcast Company's series "Fox and the Big Lie" in which she struggled to answer questions about "basic factual mistakes" that Sarah Ferguson, correspondent, pointed out. She threatened to end the interview.
Powell was among many people who promoted the "Big Lie" of former President Donald Trump, a false conspiracy that voter fraud cost him his 2020 election. Dominion Voting Systems sued Powell for defamation. Smartmatic, an electronic voting system company, also sued Powell.
Powell asked Ferguson one question during the interview. She then stated that she was confused as to why Ferguson had come to interview her in Highland Park Texas.
Ferguson replied, "Because I've made several very strong allegations against Smartmatic as well as against Dominion containing many mistakes of fact."
Powell tried to stop the interview shortly afterward, claiming that it was "wholly inappropriate" due to pending litigation.
Powell reluctantly returned to complete the interview but continued to stand by her false claims that widespread election fraud had been committed in 2020.
"I'm claiming that thousands of Americans played a part in the 2020 election fraud, knowingly or not. Powell stated that it was basically a bloodless coup in which they took control of the United States presidency without firing a shot.
Ferguson asked Powell, after she said that the election fraud was planned for at most three years, if she thought it was ridiculous.
"No, I am very aware of myself. I have been in me for a long time. I am aware of my reputation. Powell responded, "I know my level of integrity."
Powell was formerly a federal prosecutor. He represented Michael Flynn (ex-National Security Advisor), who pleaded guilty in 2017 to making false statements to FBI investigators. Trump later pardoned him.
A US judge ruled on August 25 that Powell and L. Lin Wood were guilty of "historical and profound abuse" in the legal system. Powell was represented by L. Lin Wood who also worked with Powell.
The judge stated that this case was not about fraud. It was about "undermining the People's faith and the judicial process to achieve it."