Despite the recent spike in Covid-19 cases due to the delta variant, vaccine opponents remain steadfast. A Morning Consult poll found that at least 25% of residents of certain states are still refusing to be vaccinated against Covid-19, even though their states are facing severe outbreaks.
Los Angeles, August 14th: Anti-vaccination protesters gathered. AFP via Getty Images
The Key Facts
A poll of an average of 3,334 adults was conducted between July 24 and August 23, with South Dakota having the highest percentage of residents saying they will not get the vaccine. Idaho (33%), Alaska (32%), and Alaska (29% were next. The top 10 most resistant states to vaccines are Oklahoma (29%), Mississippi (26%), West Virginia (26%) and Alabama (26%), respectively. Montana (25%), Missouri (25%), Tennessee (25%), and Montana (25%) round out the list. Mississippi, Alabama and Missouri showed high rates for refusal despite having Covid-19 epidemics this summer in states like Oklahoma, Tennessee, Missouri, and Montana. West Virginia and Alaska also rank among the top 10 states in terms of Covid-19 cases per head. Morning Consult discovered that the spread of the Delta variant has not had an impact on vaccine refusal in states with large Covid-19 outbreaks. Rates in Florida (at 19%, and 24% respectively) remained the same between June-August. Tennessee's rate dropped from 26% to 25%, and Alabama's fell from 27% and 26%, respectively. The vaccine refusal rate and those who are not sure about the vaccine showed similar trends. Florida's combined rate fell from 32% to 30% in June to August. Arkansas dropped from 43% and 40%, while Tennessee's rate dropped from 40% to 39%. Georgia and South Carolina rates remained the same at 39% and 34%, respectively. Mississippi and Louisiana, which have been particularly affected by Covid epidemics, are exceptions. Mississippi dropped from being the most vaccine-refused state in June to ranking fifth in august (going from 31% and 26%). Louisiana fell from 28% refusal to the fourth highest rate in America to 22% refusal to get the shot, not even ranking among the top 10.
What we don't know
The continued rise in vaccine mandates, the continuing delta surge and the recent approval of the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine are all factors that will impact vaccine refusal and hesitancy. Morning Consults polling showed that 30% of Americans were unwilling or unsure to receive the vaccine. This is down from 32% in June. However, this figure is not consistent with public health data which shows that 74.1% have received at least one dose. This means that less than 26% of Americans are still not vaccinated. Morning Consult's latest polling concluded that more Americans have been vaccinated since late July. Recent data shows that the number of vaccines given has increased in response to the delta surge. This includes states with high levels of vaccination and those suffering from large outbreaks. These vaccinations might be more concentrated among people who are still unsure or have not yet gotten around to getting them. However, this isn't a sign that those who were previously more resistant to the vaccine are changing their minds.
According to Morning Consults polling, Washington, D.C. (11%) is the most refusal to vaccinate, followed by Massachusetts (10%), Connecticut (11%), New Jersey (11%), Vermont (11%), New York (12%), Rhode Island (12%), Maine (12%), Delaware (14%), and Hawaii (14%).
Important Background
Opposition and vaccine hesitancy have been a problem in the U.S. during the pandemic. This has led to the nation's Covid-19 surge. Morning Consults polling shows that Americans 18 and under are most opposed to vaccination. This poll is consistent with other polls. 26% and 24% of Americans aged 18 and 34 are not willing to get vaccinated. 22% and 24% respectively are without college degrees, and 22% are earning less than $50,000 a year are opposed to getting the shot. Respondents who were not vaccinated were more likely to state that they were avoiding the shot because of concerns about side effects. Then there was concern about vaccine development speed. Respondents also mentioned distrust in vaccine companies, general distrust of vaccines and belief that vaccines won't work.
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