A California elementary school teacher who was not vaccinated infected more students with COVID-19 than half of her class, according to a Centers for Disease Control and Prevention report. This led to a widespread epidemic in Marin County.
Why it matters: This outbreak occurred in May and highlights the importance of a debate in the United States about whether school districts should implement stricter measures to stop the spread of the virus.
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Details: The teacher responsible for the outbreak showed up at school two days after he was afflicted.
Teachers and students are required to wear masks indoors at the school in question. The teacher was unable to read her students without masks, as she had symptoms of fatigue and nasal congestion.
According to the report, the teacher was positive for the virus on May 21st and 12 of her 22 students were later confirmed positive.
The big picture: Nearly immediately after August's reopening of schools, thousands of students were required to be quarantined or isolated due to possible exposure. Because of the outbreaks, some districts had to close schools temporarily or suspend instruction in person.
They are saying that the outbreak "highlights" the importance of vaccinating school employees who come in close contact with ineligible children as schools reopen.
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