Jodie Griggs/Getty Images
WREG reported that Tennessee authorities detained Miya Pug, a bride.
According to court documents, fights between 20-30 people broke out during the wedding reception.
Pugh was arrested for assault after she was accused of biting an officer trying to arrest her.
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After several fights broke out, a Tennessee bride got married and was arrested for biting an officer.
WREG reported that Memphis police responded to reports about a fight at a reception on Friday, around 10 p.m. According to the outlet officers arrived on the scene and reported that eight fights between 20-30 people were taking place in the parking lot. They then "spilling back into" the wedding venue.
WREG obtained court documents that showed that the authorities started to detain guests while the bride, Miya Pugh was yelling in the parking lot that the wedding had been ruined.
WREG reported that Pugh appeared to be intoxicated. She told officers she was celebrating her nuptials by drinking.
WREG reported that Pugh then "went from docile and combative" prompting authorities, according to court documents, to take her into custody. Pugh was accused of biting one officer on the shoulder by Pugh and leaving a "minor abrasion."
Jerrita Patterson, WREG reporter, and Ian Ripple, news photographer, shared footage on Twitter.
Insider has seen the booking information and it shows that Pugh was charged in connection with aggravated assault. According to records, Pugh was released from detention.
She is due to return to court Monday morning.
Insider did not receive a response from a representative of the Memphis Police Department to our request for comment. Pugh was also contacted by Insider via Facebook.
Insider has the original article.