There were trash heaps all over the city, feces everywhere, and armed guards at every corner of the street to give beatings to the new Kabul.
Afghanistan's capital, once modern and home to a growing middle class, has fallen back into the Dark Ages. 4 million people are now in darkness as electricity is cut at night. This is the Taliban's life after they took control of it two weeks ago.
They want to conserve the power. Why do you need power if it is night? According to Afghan businessman Nasser Waziri's parroting of the Talibans thinking, it must be dark. Nighttime is subject to a curfew. You cannot leave the house at night. Every corner you turn is a Taliban man, giving orders to return home.
As if the lack of electricity wasn't enough, the population now has to deal with poor or non-existent internet service. Afghanistan is a predominantly cash-based nation. Residents can purchase monthly cards from a shop to get internet access. Waziri stated that cards are not available anymore and that banks don't have the money to buy them. He also said that the Taliban want it that manner so that nothing can be documented.
Inflation is rampant due to a lack of money and a halt to international trade. Waziri stated that a bag of rice cost almost twice as much. There are no trucks delivering goods to the streets.
Waziri stated that everyone is afraid who will import terror states to their country.
Many who grew up in Western freedom are now facing a harsh reality: women must wear a burqa, and can't go outside without a male relative.
You can see Kabul right now. It is garbage. Waziri stated that garbage is everywhere. The Taliban are animals that go to the toilet on either side of the street. This makes the entire city smell. One man put out a portable toilet and was beaten. The Taliban stated, "We have to do it a natural way."
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Kabul's current condition is similar to what American troops found in 2001 after they captured a city that was destroyed by the Soviet invasion of 1979. Retired Brig. General Don Bolduc was a former soldier in Afghanistan.
He said that I could smell it when I closed my eyes. It was horrible. It caused a humanitarian crisis and posed a serious health risk.
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Tags: News. National Security. Foreign Policy. War in Afghanistan. Taliban.
Original Author: Tori Richards
Original Location: Kabul's new reality is hellish living conditions