Officials from Overland Park say that a 23-year-old officer in the police force is currently suffering from COVID-19.
Officer John Lacy, a police spokesperson, stated that Freddie Castro, a member of the Overland Park Police Department, tested positive for COVID-19. He has been in hospital for at least a month.
Lacy stated Friday that Freddie is a great officer and has a bright future at the Overland Park Police Department. We know that Freddie is a fighter. We are sending our thoughts and prayers to him and his family.
Lacy stated that he didn't know whether Castro had been vaccinated. Officers are not required to be vaccinated by the department. The department maintains a list that shows which officers have received their COVID vaccine, but Lacy stated that he didn't have access to the list Friday.
According to Lodge 21 of the Overland park Fraternal Order Of Police, Castro started experiencing symptoms similar to those of a cold or pneumonia in mid-July.
According to Lodge 21 of the Overland Park Fraternal Order of Police (OFP), Freddie Castro, a police officer from Overland Park, has been in hospital for over a month since being diagnosed with COVID-19.
According to the police lodge Castro's condition worsened when he was admitted to hospital for COVID complications. Castro was transferred to ICU and put on a ventilator. However, his condition continued to worsen, with multiple strokes and heart attacks.
Castro's condition is so severe that his doctors have declared Castro will not be able to survive without a ventilator. His organs are also failing.
From the beginning, Freddie was passionate about law enforcement. The lodge stated that Freddie was passionate about law enforcement and he dreamed of becoming Sheriff. His ambitions and his work ethic impressed all who knew him.
The lodge is looking for donations to support the family's expenses.