Eric Clapton, a vocal anti-vaxist rocker, has just released what appears to be an audio rant against vaccines and pandemic restrictions.
The animated music video featuring the anti-vax song of the legend guitarist, This Has Gotta Stop, features a puppeteer and protesters holding signs reading Liberty and Stop.
It also features an illustration of Jam for Freedom (the British anti-lockdown street performance group Clapton supports), noted Rolling Stone which was the first to report Claptons latest.
This BS is too much. Clapton sings that it has gone too far.
I knew something was wrong / When your started laying the law / My hands can't move / I get sweaty," he said, referring to the side effect Clapton claimed he suffered after receiving vaccination.
British veteran musician, 76, has condemned COVID-19 vaccinations after his own terrible health problems following the AstaZenica vaccine. He shared a note on social media that he had written in May explaining how he experienced severe reactions after the first jab.
Clapton said that my hands and feet became numb, frozen or burning after the second injection.
Clapton has described COVID-19 vaccines as propaganda. He refuses to perform in any venue that requires vaccines.
He declared on social media last month that I would not perform on any stage where there are people with disabilities. If there are no arrangements for everyone to attend, I reserve all rights to cancel the show.
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Experts around the globe agree that the risks of COVID-19 vaccinations have been negligible compared to the lives and health benefits.
Clapton produced an antilockdown screed last year with Van Morrison in Stand and Deliver. Clapton challenged the listener to choose between being a free man or a slave.
Brian May, Queen guitarist, zapped Clapton's position on vaccines in an interview early this month.
May stated to The Independent that Eric Clapton is my hero and she loves Eric Clapton. However, May said that he holds very different views than me in many aspects.
He said: I am sorry, anti-vax people. There is plenty of evidence that vaccines work.
Clapton's complaint that unvaccinated fans were discriminated against at concerts is ironic given his recent racist comments. Clapton, who was visibly drunk, asked foreigners to raise their hand during 1972 concert. He then suggested they leave. Clapton railed against keeping Britain white, saying that he was once into dope and then became into racism.
Since then, he has apologized for his comments.
Next month, Clapton will perform in Louisiana, Tennessee and Georgia, Florida, Florida, Texas. These are the states with the highest COVID-19 runaway rates.
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This article was originally published on HuffPost. It has since been updated.