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Update 08/28/21: More people were targeted by HT MtM Diamond Group. Be sure to check your email and the Amex Offers section. These links are also available. You can also try the new link
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Get More Pay Over Time offers Sent out in Easy 20K Points
In our Facebook Group, we have seen several different American Express Pay Over Time offers. These are my favourite offers and come with 10,000 Membership Rewards points.
What is Pay Over Time?
Here's a quick overview of Pay Over Time. This program allows you to split large purchases into multiple payments. Amex explains the benefits in this way:
There is no cost to sign up
You can pay eligible charges in installments with additional flexibility.
You can choose to pay the full amount, minimum due or any other amount each month. You have the option.
All eligible charges above $100 can be paid over time.
American Express will award 10,000 points for this feature.
Where can you find the offers
These offers are sent by regular mail, or they can be found in the Amex Offers section when you log in. These offers are only available for cards that require full monthly payments. They are usually delivered by mail, according to most people.
RELATED: What I've Noticed About the 10K Pay Over Time American Express Deals
These are my favorites. There aren't many 10K offers that are more attractive. You must activate the service, but not use it. This would be considered interest.
If you feel that you were targeted, please let me know in the comment section.