America is not without its problems, but it is my home and where my three sons will grow up. America is the bright light in a sea of chaos. He said that he looks forward to a new start after my Marine Corps career ends. My life's purpose is to make America the most effective and lethal foreign diplomacy tool. My days of violence in hand to hand may be over, but I see new opportunities.
The video, which was posted on Thursday, is roughly five minutes long. Scheller criticized military brass for how the U.S. withdrawal has been conducted and asked them to take responsibility for the chaos of the past few days.
In the video, Scheller in uniform said, "Hey, it's bad to evacuate Bagram Airfield before we evacuate everyone." Is that what anyone did? Did anyone say that they did it?
The unusual sign of frustration and public discontent within the ranks was this video that went viral on social media.
Scheller stated that it was possible for all of those people to die in vain if senior military officers are not held accountable.
He said, "Without this, the... more senior military ranks aren't holding up their end to the bargain." I've been fighting for 17 year. I'm willing to give it all to my senior leaders to demand accountability."
Scheller stated that one of those who died Thursday was someone he was close to, but that it was not the only reason for his video. Others have also shared similar frustrations.
He stated that he would be willing to take on severe sanctions if it draws attention to his questions about military leadership.
He said that what you believe can only be defined as what you are willing to take on. It gives me moral high ground to expect the same honesty, integrity and accountability from my senior leaders.
This report was contributed by Paul McLeary, Myah Ward and Myah Ward.