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Zoom fatigue, a common term for general malaise that began with the outbreak of coronavirus and which many officers worked in video calling, was quickly established.
According to research published in Journal of Applied Psychology, Zoom fatigue refers to video calls on any platform. Researchers from many universities found that employees who were required to use their cameras during meetings felt more tired and less engaged, contrary to popular belief.
A worrying trend was also found in the study about power dynamics at work. The study found that employees with lower organizational tenure, which is to say they had worked for a shorter time at the company or were on a lower level of the corporate ladder, felt more tired when it came to keeping their camera on. Zoom fatigue seems to be more common in women than it is in men.
Our findings, which were published in the paper, stated that virtual meetings can make self-presentation more difficult and increase fatigue-related costs. These results are consistent with the popular media and emerging research that suggests being watched increases the need to manage impressions, and directs attention inward. This can lead to fatigue.
Scientists suggest that cameras should be turned off as much as possible to prevent employees from becoming mentally and physically exhausted. This is in line with previous research. It seems we need to find better ways to manage video calls, as the pandemic continues.