Although napping is a sign of laziness and inefficiency, it is actually an essential bodily function that enhances memory, creativity, empathy, and problem-solving skills.
According to sleep scientists, the best way to maintain good mental and physical health is to get seven to nine hours of sleep each night.
In the past, capitalists told us that we should work 12-16 hours for them and then have eight hours to do whatever we want. So they wanted us to sleep efficiently within a specific window. That's where the concept of consolidated sleep came from, according to Till Roenneberg, a professor of chronobiology, at the University of Munich.
He studied civilisations that did not have electricity and observed that people would often wake up in the middle of the night and then take a break before returning to sleep.
Matthew Walker, professor of neuroscience at University of California Berkeley and author of Why We Sleep said that people with trouble falling asleep at night need to be cautious about naps and that no one should nap after 3pm.
He said that if you take a nap too late in your day, it is akin to snacking before your main meal. It just makes you sleep hungry at night.
According to scientists, the ideal time is between 20 and 25 minutes. You will fall into deeper sleep, which can last for around 90 minutes. You will feel groggy or sleep inertia when you get up.
Professor of Sleep Medicine at Oxford University, Colin Espie recommends the caffeine nap. This is also recommended for sleepy drivers as per the Highway Code. This is when you drink coffee 20 minutes before falling asleep. It then wakes you up once the caffeine kicks in.
He believes this should only be used in an emergency. You may be sleeping deprived if you find naps relaxing. He said that you should make sure you get enough sleep at night.