Legends link the monument to King Arthur. Archaeologists however believe it was constructed in the Neolithic period, almost 6,000 years ago.
According to archaeologists, a mysterious stone tomb in west England called Arthur's Stone is believed to have been part of an elaborate "ceremonial environment" that was created almost 6,000 years ago.
Excavations made this year at the site of an ancient stone structure in rural Herefordshire just east of the River Wye, between England and Wales, have shown that it was originally occupied by an earthen mound that pointed to another structure nearby. But that, a few hundred-years later, the structure was rebuilt and realigned so that it points to hills farther south. Project leader Julian Thomas, an archaeologist at the University of Manchester, explained Live Science via email.
Thomas stated, "This is a ceremonial site like Stonehenge and Avebury, but it's much earlier." It is clear that this was a place that was spiritually or politically important at the beginning of the Neolithic.
Recent excavations have shown that Arthur's Stone was home to two Neolithic tombs, each pointing in a different direction. Image credit: University of Manchester
Arthur's Stone is made up of nine "standing" stones, which support a massive "capstone", which weighs more than 25 tonnes (23 metric tons). Although no human remains have been discovered, the passage below leads to a burial chamber.
Legends about King Arthur are said to have given the structure its name. He is believed to have resisted the invasion of the Saxons in Britain around 1,500 years ago.
There have been many historical events there. This includes a duel between knights at the Wars of the Roses (15th century). King Charles dined there in 1645 during the English Civil War. According to Mysterious Britain, Arthur's Stone was C.S. Lewis was the inspiration for the "stone" table where Aslan, the Lion, was killed in his "Narnia” stories.
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These stones may be from a tomb that was built around 5,500 years ago and aligned with a prominent gap between hills at the horizon. Image credit: University of Manchester
Stone table
Excavations revealed that the Arthur's Stone site's first earthen mound pointed to the so called Halls of the Dead. Teams led by Thomas found the ridge just over 1,000 meters (910 meters) from the Arthur's Stone site in 2013.
The Halls of the Dead were once large timber buildings. They were later deliberately destroyed and replaced with three earthen burial mounds. This may have been after a leader died. Similar wooden structures have been discovered in Neolithic cemeteries across Europe.
Thomas stated that the original mound site was preserved by a palisade of wooden posts made of upright wood posts. It was very similar in appearance to the central mound at the Halls of the Dead. The posts quickly rotted away, and the mound fell. A second monument was constructed at the site 200 years later.
He said that the rebuilt monument was likely made of stones from a second earthen mound. It also featured an "avenue” of wooden posts that pointed towards a prominent gap between two hills at the horizon, 12 miles (20 km) away.
Thomas stated that the stone elements, which are located on the same alignment as the post avenue, are significant. This is why Thomas believes they make up part of the late version of the monument. "I believe the initial focus was on the interrelationships between the monuments making up the complex, but then the emphasis shifts to the outside.
Archaeologists believe the site's first tomb was constructed around 5700 years ago. It is aligned with nearby tombs known as the "Halls of the Dead". Image credit: University of Manchester
King Arthur
Arthur's Stone is one of the most prominent and well-known Neolithic monuments found in England. It is believed to be linked to King Arthur according several local legends. It must have been there for many thousand years before Arthur's time. Most historians believe Arthur didn't actually exist.
One legend states that Arthur left marks on one stone when he knelt down to pray. Another story says that the marks are indentations from the elbows of a giant Arthur killed. Arthur is also said to have been buried by the monument.
Arthur's Stone appears to have been part a ceremonial landscape in the Neolithic period, which began about 5,700 years ago. It seems that the expansion of this landscape was reflected in the realignment and re-alignment of stones around 5,500 years ago.
Thomas stated that the latter alignment could have meant that the gap between the hills it pointed at and the road was important for travelers, "a source or some important resource or a place where the allied communities lived or another place with spiritual significance."
He said that other features, such as several earthen mounds, a Neolithic enclosure and "causeway", were indicative that the landscape was used for gatherings, meetings and feasting, and that it had retained its importance for centuries.
Original publication on Live Science