This is one way to communicate your message.
Tentacle Warfare
Six years ago, scientists from the University of Sydney captured common Sydney octopuses (Octopus Tetricus) throwing shells and silt at each other.
It wasn't clear at the time if they were really targeting each other or if they were just collateral damage. They use the same throwing mechanism to dispose of food and build dens. New Scientist reports that octopuses are known to fire at and target each other. The behavior targeting animals of the same species and especially the same population is rare in the animal kingdom, hinting at advanced social dynamics among the shockingly-intelligent creatures.
Passing is hard
According to an online study that was not yet published in an academic journal, the most notable example of deliberate throwing was by a female octopus that threw silt at a male 10 times after attempting to mate with him.
This sequence was one of the reasons I believed it was intentional, Peter Godfrey Smith, University of Sydney researcher and lead author of the study, told New Scientist.
The male octopus tried to duck during four out of ten throws but Godfrey Smith told New Scientist that he was rarely successful.
Scientists refer to throw as a process in which octopuses shoot a jet stream water at the ground, which propels rocks, dirt, and shells at a target. They did however observe one octopus whipping a shell at another, much like a frisbee. This suggests that they may have other tricks to help them get their message across.
This is not the first time that octopuses are found to be moody cephalopods. An earlier study revealed that some octopuses punch fish with their tentacles, which scientists believe is because of spite.
READ MORE: Male octopuses harass females [New Scientist]
More about octopuses. Scientists say that spiteful octopuses punch fish when they are angry