Russian Space Chief Issues Cryptic Invitation to Elon Musk

"Come!" "Come!
Dmitry Rogozin (the head of Russia's space agency Roscosmos) just sent a cryptic invitation to SpaceX CEO Elon Musk via Twitter.

Rogozin wrote: Good morning, Mr. Elon Musk A new expedition will depart for the International Space Station on October 5. As part of this expedition, we plan to send a leading television channel's cinematographic group.

Rogozin stated that the goal of the television program is to expose the truth about manned flight, and the immense emotional impact on all space flight planners.

Rogozin said Musk that he would be happy to meet him at the Baikonur cosmodrome, Kazakhstan.



The personal invitation ended in an oddly haunting manner. Please come! We're waiting for you.

Rogozin reached out to Rogozin on the same day Russian state media agency TASS reported, that the general director had also invited NASA administrator Bill Nelson for a chat.

NASA Press Secretary Jackie McGuinness said that Administrator Nelson looks forward to meeting Director General Rogozin when COVID-19 allows, and NASA Press Secretary Jackie McGuinness confirmed to TASS.

The invitation was also shrouded with cryptic messages.



Rogozin stated that some matters should be discussed privately. This was quoted by TASS. He also revealed that Nelson and his wife were invited to his house.

It is unclear whether Rogozin is asking Musk to come by for a TV interview or if there is something more.

This is a strange invitation, as there has been very little love between Musk and Rogozin. Rogozin has voiced his dissatisfaction with Musk and SpaceX repeatedly.

Rogozin, in a fiery opinion piece published last June, accused SpaceX (and Russia) of cheating the competition by going against the rules and ridiculing Russia's space efforts.



Rogozin might be changing his tune. Rogozin congratulated Virgin Galactic for its successful flight to 50 Miles in July and called it a landmark achievement of space travel via Twitter.

In a follow-up tweet, he even decried Russia's billionaire oligarchs by saying that they would rather spend money on yachts and spacecraft development. This sentiment was met with a hand-clapping emoji response by Musk.

Musk used a mocking tone and occasionally derisive tone to discuss Russia's space endeavors. He also indulged in some lighthearted, long-running jokes.

Russia's space agency has been a hostile partner to NASA in recent years and is now moving away from the international space community.



Rogozin's frequent shifts in tone make it difficult for his messages to be understood. Is there something that was lost in translation? Rogozin suddenly seems to be interested in the input of Musks and Nelsons.

Occam's razor would indicate that Russia's space agency wants Musk to give a speech about how difficult it is for humans to go into space.

It is difficult to predict whether Musk will accept the offer. He has been extremely busy, managing his time between Tesla and SpaceX as well as the troubled Neuralink.

This leaves little time to interview a man with whom he has bickered heads on numerous occasions in a remote part of Kazakhstan.



READ MORE: NASA chief wants to meet Roscosmos CEO [TASS]

More Rogozin: Russian Space Program Head Criticizes Billionaire Oligarchs