Elon Musk Wants To Dig a New Tunnel Near his Texas Spaceport

He'll still have to pay.
Hammer Vision

One of the most common complaints from local Texans living near SpaceX' Boca Chica Starbase facility is that the company often blocks the highway for shipping rocket parts, or closes it completely for launches. This has cut off potential travelers from the area.

According to the old saying, "The man with the tunnel-digging business" sees everything as a great place for a tunnel. Representatives of Elon Musks The Boring Company met Cameron County representatives to present their ideas on a new tunnel that would connect the southern tip and northern ends of South Padre Island with Boca Chica Beach. According to The Brownsville Herald, the tunnel would allow others to bypass the roadblocks and still reach the areas that aren't closed for safety reasons.


SpaceX operations wouldn't be affected by the tunnel, as all rocket parts will remain above ground. It would instead allow SpaceX commuters to save a lot of time and the public to travel to the beaches when SpaceX closes or blocks the highway.

The tunnel can be difficult to dig. Ars Technica points out that South Padre Island is divided by a shipping channel. This means that the tunnel must be dug much deeper than normal, a major challenge for The Boring Company.



There is a lot of work to determine whether the tunnel is possible. SpaceX is still in the middle completing an environmental review of its Starship launch site. It is not certain that this tunnel will ever be built. Then there's the issue of money. According to Cameron County officials, The Boring Company should not expect financial assistance from the government if they want to dig.

READ MORE: Elon Musk proposes a tunnel running from South Padre Island up to Boca Chica Beach [The Brownsville Herald]

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