This is a pretty low standard in airport lounge etiquette.
Rudy Giulianis SkyClub shave adventures
Rudy Giulianis, a former mayor of New York City, is seen in viral video at the Delta SkyClub at New York's John F. Kennedy International Airport. Giuliani is seen shaving at a table in the video. It was apparently shot on Sunday around 5:30 PM.
This seems to have two parts. According to the videographer, Giuliani made quite a splash while eating lobster bisque.
He took 15 minutes to eat one bowl of soup. Half the soup would have fallen back in his mouth every time he lifted the spoon. It was horrible.
This is not unusual but what followed is. Giuliani then went for the dessert selection and grabbed some brownies after he had enjoyed a hearty bowl. After enjoying the brownies, Giuliani began shaving.
To ensure he didn't miss any spots, he used his iPad's selfie function as a camera to take photos while shaving. It is not clear how much of his facial hair got into his brownies. This is because he doesn't often eat and shave simultaneously.
The original Instagram videos can be found here. You can also find a consolidated video here. I recommend muting that version because of the inappropriate commentary.
This is not acceptable, it's confusing
It's totally acceptable to shave at Delta SkyClubs in the designated, complimentary shower rooms. It's something I have done a few times.
Cmon Rudy! This is where you can shave in SkyClubs
What would make someone shave in public, while eating? This is not appropriate in airport lounges or planes. Simply put.
It is possible that Giuliani was simply taking one for his team and testing Deltas lounge cleaning standards, to see how clean they were.
Bottom line
Rudy Giuliani was seen on Sunday at Delta SkyClub JFK, shaven at a table. This is beyond the boundaries of acceptable lounge hygiene. Although I would like to know what he was thinking, this isn't the first time that he has been in this situation.
I am curious if anyone believes it is appropriate to have a dining room in an airport lounge.
Tip of the Hat to Live and Lets Fly