Portland avoided disaster on Sunday when the city's police force neglected its duty to protect the streets. Officers did not attempt to stop attacks on residents by members the far-right Proud Boys Gang, many of which had traveled from all over the country to fulfill their fantasies about attacking anti-fascist protesters. In accordance with the policy of nonintervention that was announced by Chuck Lovell, Chief of Portland Police Bureau, the absence from police reinforced an anti-fascist feeling that they were alone. Witnesses said that when a right-wing gunman opened fire on black-clad protesters, who were trying to rob him, it was not surprising, but not surprising, that one of the antifascists responded. The eight shots missed their target and there were no injuries. The shooting took place in broad daylight along a downtown street. Reporters filmed the scene from several angles. Sean Beckner-Carmitchel from Los Angeles, an activist and videographer, captured the sequence in a thread that he shared on Twitter.
It was quite harrowing. Although I wasn't there at the time, sources tell me that the Bloc protestors chased the man out of the compound after he yelled a slur to the group. The man pulled out a firearm while being chased. pic.twitter.com/y6nMmIkD6Y Sean Carmitchel (@ACatWithNews) August 23, 2021
Arrest of the shooter. We will post more information soon. pic.twitter.com/h466xxIj1r Sean Carmitchel (@ACatWithNews) August 23, 2021
Many protesters were shocked to learn that Dennis Anderson, a right-wing gunman aged 65 from Gresham, was detained by an undercover officer along with two uniformed officers within minutes.
. @_jlevinson posted photos of the man that opened fire on downtown anti-fascists. It doesn't appear that anyone was hurt. pic.twitter.com/bN8OUtu19c Ryan Haas (@ryanjhaas) August 23, 2021
According to the Oregonian, Anderson was arrested for unlawful use of weapons and unlawful possession. He was released on bail after being charged. Anderson had been at the anti-fascist demonstration for hours prior to the shooting. Police said that they are now looking for Anderson's attacker and that they suspect evidence (in the form of a bullet) might have been removed from that area before they arrived. Beckner-Carmitchel shared additional footage from Monday's demonstration on Twitter. It showed that at least one anti-fascist who chased Anderson away was armed and equipped with a handgun. Anderson fired the first shot during the exchange of gunfire.
3. Upload additional footage to dispel some of these theories
Video that had been published already had some delay. This makes it even clearer that the man in the tan hat was the first to shoot in the direction of many protestors. Fire returned. pic.twitter.com/MN2myYO8XL Sean Carmitchel (@ACatWithNews) August 24, 2021
Officers finally arrived at the scene of the shooting to be met with sarcastic applause by several anti-fascist activists including Dustin Brandon who was in the line of fire.
Portland police are on scene, a supervisor says police have a perosn in custody pic.twitter.com/ht0JujXBcE Sergio Olmos (@MrOlmos) August 23, 2021
Brandon asked one officer: "Where were you guys when they came today?" This could have been prevented.
Survivor is shouting at police officers for failing to stop the violence. pic.twitter.com/Y7o5h148AW Shane Burley (@shane_burley1) August 23, 2021
One officer said to Brandon, "You're pointing at me." One officer told Brandon that Lovell, who is the chief of police, was not pointing at him. Lovell stated that this is our main message. If you don't want to get into fights with people you disagree with, please do not come. Expect to see no police officers trying to separate people from the crowd. You shouldn't expect to see police officers standing in the middle of people trying to keep them apart.
During a right-wing event in NE Portland, Proud Boy members hung a banner reading "Free Our Political Prisoners". pic.twitter.com/9n5n2g8XO0 Justin Yau (@PDocumentarians) August 22, 2021
The Proud Boys attacked several anti-fascists at the rally in Portland's northeastern Parkrose neighbourhood. Zakir Khan, a Portland civil right advocate, described it as a red carpet with a note saying that we wont interfere.
Proud Boys tonight in Portland: pic.twitter.com/thZvXpugb9 Frank Figliuzzi (@FrankFigliuzzi1) August 22, 2021
One incident was captured by several journalists. Proud Boys attacked a man's parked car with water and shields, according to one of the Proud Boys. After smashing the windows of the truck, one of the right-wing gang members climbed into the vehicle to beat the man. He then shoved him while he tried running away.
A black bloc demonstrator attempts to get away in his truck - Proud Boys only let him leave after assaulting him and destroying his truck pic.twitter.com/AKDugmBzMs Andrew Kimmel (@andrewkimmel) August 22, 2021
Proud boys attacking the second person in a car today, summer of love right? So peaceful! #PDXprotests pic.twitter.com/7ycJFdMNys Alice (Al gal, your pal) (@itsnotfunny) August 23, 2021
Another group of Proud Boys surrounded a white van, forcing its driver to flee. They used an airsoft rifle and pepper spray to force the driver out of the vehicle. After the driver fled, the van began to roll slowly into a hedge. Propagandists from the right-wing group attempted to claim it was an antifa van which crashed into the rally.
Andy Ngo, a far-right propagandist, claimed that the van was "crashed into an assembly" yesterday before the Proud Boys destroyed it and flipped it over.
This video shows Andy lying. Proud Boys invaded the van and carjacked the driver. pic.twitter.com/3FUuH96DuJ Chad Loder (@chadloder) August 23, 2021
The Proud Boys smashed the windows of the vans and flipped them over shouting "fuck antifa" and painting FAFO on the roof.
Proud Boys destroy, steal from, and flip a handicap van in Portland. pic.twitter.com/3MGSI2ADK2 ? ? (@corncommunist August 22, 2021
Portland police are nowhere to be seen pic.twitter.com/OrvB3ouE2d Sergio Olmos (@MrOlmos) August 22, 2021
Multiple assaults were recorded on video by journalists at the scene. However, police did not intervene or appear in Parkrose. Sara Morrissey of Wheelers, spoke on behalf of the organization and said that officers were available to assist if violence reached an unspecified boundary. She stated that if the situation had gotten worse, police would have taken immediate action. Reports also indicated that journalists were attacked by both left-wing and right-wing activists.
It was absolutely disgusting.
A black bloc person calls a reporter a slut and throws her to ground. Then pepper sprays him. They also broke her phone.
Block residents threw soda cans at us as we tried to clean the mace from our eyes. https://t.co/bVhbeFk0ZC Sergio Olmos (@MrOlmos) August 23, 2021
I was hit with a paintball. They shoot pepper spray and paintballs at demonstrators and the press. pic.twitter.com/CgFYB5otcO Shane Burley (@shane_burley1) August 23, 2021